[HELP!] Problems with my Jackson DX10D (electronics or what??)


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2009
Hi guys!

I have a problem with my Jackson DX10d and maybe you can give me an advice.

This guitar has always had some electronic problems I think... you know, a lot of noise with open strings when you're not playing and stuff like that. Stuff caused by a bad quality control that you can solve with a screening operation (which I haven't yet done).

But there are also two other problems and I don't know if the cause may be the same.

First one: when I try to record something the di's I get are EXTREMELY boomy (I'd say unnaturally boomy) and a vary bad "starting point" for my mixes. No problems with other di's I got from this forum, which I reamped with results I'm very happy with.
And when I record something with my V-Amp Pro I get the same problem: *boom boom boom*. I know a bit of boomyness is natural, but this is waay too much!

Second one: When I play octaves stuff like this (stupid example invented right now):

    . .   . .   . .

The notes on the G string are barely hearable and kind of overwhelmed by the POWER of the palm muted D string!
It sounds like that at least... it may be an interference or something else... anyway it's weird! X|

Now, I'v been thinking for a while about changing the Duncan Designed pickups this guitar has by default with new EMGs 81\85 to get a better tone, and I thought maybe this operation (plus a setup and a screening operation by a trusty "guitar doctor"! :D) could solve all the weird problems too.
But if they persisted, I would only spend money to get a guitar with good sound and pickups, but a load of other defects!

So... what do you think?? Would I solve anything this way?

Thanks in advance!
Problem 1: I think you're dead on with the pickups being the problem. I've never tried one of these guitars, so I can't really say whether or not I know if that's the issue.

Problem 2: May also be pickups or playing style/string gauge. String to string imbalance generally has to do with gauge.

How much do you like the guitar? If it's giving you a lot of issues, you may be better of selling it for a few hundred and picking up something you like better. If you're gonna put $200 worth of pickups into it, you ougghta love it!
Interesting, I know someone with an X Series Jackson and it doesn't have these problems.
If you're not entirely happy with the tone, might as well get EMGs, since shielding a guitar isn't really going to change the tone.
Problem 2: May also be pickups or playing style/string gauge. String to string imbalance generally has to do with gauge.
I don't think it depends on the string gauge, since I just use D'addario 9s in standard tuning on that guitar. And I don't think it depends on my playing, because I think I know what I'm doing :)grin:) and I've never had any problem like that with other guitars.
So, that said... yes, I think the only cause left is the pickups, isn't it? :|

How much do you like the guitar? If it's giving you a lot of issues, you may be better of selling it for a few hundred and picking up something you like better. If you're gonna put $200 worth of pickups into it, you ougghta love it!

Well man, I don't know actually... I mean, I LOVE this guitar's shape\color\etc... I even think it has its own... philosopy! But since I bought it I've always had a heck of a lot of problems and yes, selling it always seemed the best option. I say "seemed" because I don't think I could get more than 300€ for a guitar like this (415€ new). And if I buy a new one, let's say a better one like an LTD MH-401 for example (700-800€), in the end I'll have to spend 400-500€, which is exactly the double of the whole setup+pickup switching's cost.

So yes, question is:
1) I keep my trusty Jackson and I do the Pickup switching+other stuff thingy (which may not fix the problems)
2) I buy a new guitar, hopefully with no problems, but with a double expense (yes, poor MA student :yell:)

Interesting, I know someone with an X Series Jackson and it doesn't have these problems.
If you're not entirely happy with the tone, might as well get EMGs, since shielding a guitar isn't really going to change the tone.

Yes man I know :), the shielding thing was just to eliminate the noise of the open strings when you're not playing (and maybe the other problems or some of them!). My idea of switching the pickups depended on the tone (which I wasn't happy with), then I thought that operation may fix the other problems too. I was just trying to get this confirmed or not by someone who knows more than me. :D

And yes, me too I know other people with X Series Jacksons (the same guys who suggested me to buy one) and I know I'm the only one with this weird stuff going on!!!