Help, Radio Interferance when Reamping

OUT-1 1/4" DIRECT feed from the X-Amp's Class-A circuit. This output should always be used to ensure proper grounding.
(Taken from

I posted the same thing in the paragraph above yours.

Im surely going to have to play around with Output 1 when troubleshooting since it seems to say that RF issues are more likely to come into play if nothing is grounded on Output 1.

But I would sware that the only reason I went to Output 2 was because I had less of a problem with the RF noise.

Only one way to find out.
often it helps to just change one thikng in your change,
sometimes it is just the combination of cables etc that forms an antenna and oscillates. by changing cables etc you sometimes (if you're lucky) can change the frequency the antenna is sensitive to.
I had this happen at my last recording session. We were using a Mesa head and were just tracking guitar not reamping like you. Anyway we got the weather/traffic report every time the guitarist would stop playing. We tried some different cables and such but nothing seemed to help.

Good luck though and hope you figure it out!
Yeah, I am not ruling out the fact that there may just be a bad spot for RF noise.

In the last 18 years of playing guitar I have had a number of strange occurances pop up at home, in rehearsal, etc.

But every time so far is quite annoying.

Most customers that havent seen reamping think its an amazing idea, but when the first thing they here is Foreign Radio, it doesnt look to promising.

You may be on to something here!

My OD808 once got left on and the batteries died.

So I had hooked up a 9v AC adapter to run power.

Cant recall whether it was before or after the problem. But it might be about the same time.

I will try a battery as well.

Kudo's for that thought.
i didn't mention this one because to me it's just understood to not use power supplies for floor pedals that will function with batteries. i go through lots of batteries.. but it saves me lots of grief.
I usually dont but had to finish a bands demo and stole a 9V adapter from my Boss Drum Machine.

It would be nice if that turned out to be the culprit and end all this headache.

I'll find out in about 3 hours and at least we might have strong examples of what not to do with reamping. ;)
I didnt get a chance to try anything last night but I did for a few minutes this morning.

I first switched to Output 1 on the X-Amp.

I hooked up the OD808 with the AC Adapter and couldn't quite here any RF but definately noticed after removing it from the chain that I got rid of alot of electronic noise or hum.

I tryed switching back to Output 2 and it seemed like maybe it was a little worse.

But couldnt duplicate the radio sounds as before.

I think it is safe to say though that I will have a much better sound through Output 1 with no AC adapter on the Maxon.

Time to buy a battery and do more tests.

So far it looks promisingly clean sounding like the first time I tried Reamping.

Thanks for the collective input fellas. :kickass: