Help regarding Superior 2.0 + Nuendo 3


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Installed 2.0 on my pc loaded up one of my previous sessions using superior 1 and after about 3 minutes of putting in 2.0 Nuendo crashes and quotes the "fault module" randomly however most times its superior drummer.dll or drummer.dll.

Yesterday none of my sessions would load and not crash, so I uninstalled 2.0 and everything worked as normal, re-installed superior this morning and its happening again! Its doing my head in, all I want to do is replace the old 1.0 drums with 2.0 :| The only thing that will work is if I start a brand new session and load 2.0 then I can tweak as much as I like without it crashing but all the shit I recorded is on another session so its pretty useless.

Its a new PC running Vista (which ive checked is compatible with 2.0) and there is no CPU issues.

PS: Just tried it in Sonar and exactly the same thing happens, some problem with superior drummer.dll :\

Any ideas?
I have seen problems like this happen when DFHS and SD 2.0 are in the session. Are you removing the DFHS plugin in and then applying SD 2.0?

If not, I would definitely try that before anything else.

Sorry I can't be of more help
I have seen problems like this happen when DFHS and SD 2.0 are in the session. Are you removing the DFHS plugin in and then applying SD 2.0?

If not, I would definitely try that before anything else.

Sorry I can't be of more help

I did take DFHS out and save it as a seperate session then put 2.0 in....worked for a little bit then died. Last night I did think maybe for some reason it fucks up if you have 2.0 AND 1.0 installed on the same pc? No doubt it dosent but I tried to de-install 1.0 only to find it still works :S lol