Help Satyricon please (even if you don't like them)


Dark Knight
Jan 12, 2002
Massachusetts, USA
Once again, Frost, Satyricon's drummer, has been denied a visa to come to America. He can't play drums because he got into a bar fight 10 YEARS AGO. No musician should be denied access to the states because of this. The US Homeland Security thinks him as a terrorist. Please help and sign the petition, we're going to show Satyr in a few weeks.
-illusion- :hotjump:
Oh hell no motherfucker. I will never as long as I live, see Slipknot or a member of Slipknot play at a concert I go to. Bastards actually think they're metal.. fuck them.
Well, based on what I've read, I've gotta give them credit for their new album, apparently it's a much more presentable metal recording, complete with ballads and no use of the word "fuck." I'm more mad at Satyricon, to be honest. They've been going the sellout route as of recent with their whole "bring black metal to MTV" thing. I guess there must be a reason why Trym can't do it again like he did on their last tour, but there are surely other drummers from the scene that would be more than willing to do it. I did sign the petition though.

Although in defense of this whole thing, I've heard Joey and Satyricon go back further than anyone would think. So I can't pretend to totally know what I'm talking about and point the sellout finger.
oh he's from slipknot, boo fuckin hoo. obviously he can handle the drum parts or satyr wouldnt have asked him to do it. 'fuck slipknot they're not metal blah blah' grow up. it doesnt really matter.
neal said:
oh he's from slipknot, boo fuckin hoo. obviously he can handle the drum parts or satyr wouldnt have asked him to do it. 'fuck slipknot they're not metal blah blah' grow up. it doesnt really matter.
