please help support underground metal


Jun 27, 2004
i've posted this in a few other places but i figured i'd post it here because i need as much exposure as possible on this, if you could sign i'd really appreciate it, basically the vocalist in my band told me about this (I'm in Invection) and heres the info

Flashrock is a group of individuals that promotes unsigned bands
Invection wants you to sign- 500 signatures will get us a free, uber-badass, live video broadcast online

so please sign- help us out

i know man the problem is no one reads the self promotion thread, at all. also its a bit hard to get 500 signatures, we can use all the help we can get. unfortunately we're not a big enough band to just have 500 fans who would take the time to sign the petition, so a bit of help from the metal scene in general would be nice, i bet even a lot of the bigger local bands would have a bit of trouble finding 500 fans but i can't judge since i don't really know.
@Altitudes: Ionna man, imo this thread doesn't belong here, I mean not clicking the thread IS a valid option but so is posting it on the correct forum so I shouldn't even have to make that choice. I'm not trying to be crabby, this place is doing better and laid back but if we don't keep on top of things it will go to shit fast. This isn't a big deal per se but it's enough. Off-topic doesn't mean whoring out your band, also even if he DID want to post here, I'm sure there are a few threads dedicated to this type of thing already, but you know... :D

Btw I signed it, I'm not a dick, I am just saying man :p You know I have a point. Maybe make a facebook group that might be more appropriate?
@Altitudes: Ionna man, imo this thread doesn't belong here, I mean not clicking the thread IS a valid option but so is posting it on the correct forum so I shouldn't even have to make that choice. I'm not trying to be crabby, this place is doing better and laid back but if we don't keep on top of things it will go to shit fast. This isn't a big deal per se but it's enough. Off-topic doesn't mean whoring out your band, also even if he DID want to post here, I'm sure there are a few threads dedicated to this type of thing already, but you know... :D

Btw I signed it, I'm not a dick, I am just saying man :p You know I have a point. Maybe make a facebook group that might be more appropriate?


We're all thinking it. No need to be the town crier. Let the thread die on its own in the natural progression of things.