Help Save the Kitties!


Mar 26, 2004
this is gross, 80 more names needed,


This could be your good deed for the day.

The site that we were able to shut last year
has returned. We have to try to shut it down
again! A Japanese man in New York breeds
and sells kittens that are called BONSAI CATS.
That would sound cute, if it weren't
kittens that were put in to little bottles after
being given a muscle relaxant and then
locked up for the rest of their lives. The cats are
through a straw and have a small tube for
their feaces. The skeleton of the cat will take on the

form of the bottle as the kitten grows. The cats
never get the opportunity to move. They are
used as original and exclusive souvenirs.
These are the latest trends in New York, China,
Indonesia and New Zealand.

If you think you can handle it, view (I can't even access it from my
work because its been marked as 'extreme') and
have a look at the methods being used to put
these little kittens into
bottles. This petition needs 500 names, so
please put your one name on it!!!

Copy the text into a new email and put your
name on the bottom, then send it to everyone
you* know.
If you notice that there are 500
names on the list, please send it to:

Note- Copy this e-mail, paste it into a new one

DON'T forward it - add your name, and send it to
everyone you know.