HELP School project :P


noise and whisper
Feb 2, 2006
GTA ont, ca
hi there guys
I have this project I have to complete by wed. and I'd appreciate if you can help me, just answer the following questions in relation to the following ads [you can email me your answers too: her_sorrow(at)hotmail(dot)com]





Level of Education(please specify):
Marital Statuss:

Do you buy magazines? If so how often and which magazines?

From the following ads, which one do you think it is more effective? Why?

Which of the ads you would say is for(you can indicate both if you feel that it addresses both):
A young person:
Would you say married or unmarried?
An older person
A male:
Would you say married or unmarried?
A female:
Would you say married or unmarried?
A middle class person
Would you say married or unmarried?
A person of non-white ethnicity
Would you say married or unmarried?

Which product would you buy? Why?


Age: 18
Sex: M
Level of Education(please specify): In College, first year
Marital Status: Single
Heritage: Italian

Do you buy magazines? If so how often and which magazines?

From the following ads, which one do you think it is more effective? Why?

Ad A is more effective due to its simplistic nature. The backround setting is also more aesthetically pleasing to merely glance at rather than the compared complexity of objects in Ad B. Ad B also indirectly pushes a sort of rushing mantra ("Never Late") which is technically bad for a consumer to buy into because they're more likely to rush = car accident.

Which of the ads you would say is for(you can indicate both if you feel that it addresses both):
A young person: Ad B
Would you say married or unmarried? Unmarried
An older person: Ad A
A male: Ad A
Would you say married or unmarried? Married
A female: Ad B
Would you say married or unmarried? Either
A middle class person: Ad A
Would you say married or unmarried? Either
A person of non-white ethnicity: Ad B
Would you say married or unmarried? Unmarried

Which product would you buy? Why?

Neither because I have a car ;)