HELP sit these vocals in PLEASE? (Clean vocals)

I would raise them by 1 or 2 dB ? I'm not someone who likes vocal dominated mixes but that's what I would do.

I like applying a stereo delay on vocals, you can DIY with two tracks of delay with different settings. Then mix to taste/automate.
yeah some stereo delay can help, but I think you need to work on the EQ a bit to make them sit a bit better.
They are a bit dull and could be a bit brighter.
If you think that they could be a bit fuller may try to fiddle a bit with the low mids, but be careful with that...can lead into shit-town ;)
i personally think eq isnt the way to make them sit better. i just cut out the low end of my vocals and boost a little at 3 or 6. the a low pass at 13 or 14. i think it keeps them natural sounding. compression is where its at i think. and yea a stereo delay helps. and yea, they are a little quiet too.