Help.... sort of

Corporal McDick

Sgt. 1st class
Aug 26, 2003
Does anyone know the formulas for assembling this hungerian cube or whatever its called? i figured a couple of sides but I cant get the others right. Anyone?
oh crazy i had a dream about a rubix cube the other night! one of my co-workers had finished it and he had attached letters to the squares so it said stuff like "school sucks" which of course is silly cuz we're not in school. also, the dream cube was made from legos, or by lego, so it had lego texture.
You know Tomasz, I tried it. I took all the colors stickers off just to find out I have no glue or anything to stick it back. Besides.... theres no point in doing that. I buy 2 for 1$ and they're already assembled. Anyways, anyone has any idea of solving the rubix cube? Dont ask why, I'll tell you when I'll get it right.
uhh just keep at it................ for a very very long time.... There is no exact combination cause the cube has to be turned back in the exact way it was turned to get it tangled. Sorry no help can i give you.
DeathBlade said:
uhh just keep at it................ for a very very long time.... There is no exact combination cause the cube has to be turned back in the exact way it was turned to get it tangled. Sorry no help can i give you.

yeah, if u got lots of time to kill, just keep on wasting it trying to figure it out and driving yourself mad

If there was no combination then it would not be achievable.

I do know that those that can solve the cube fast can do it in under 20 seconds.

Hey u got access to internet. Use it. There are thousand web sites to get more info than this forum can ever provide u with.
I've broken..cameras, mobile phones...torn clothes asunder, had a thousand scars and wounds...all cause I like to get drunk every now and then!