Double bass drumming


May 19, 2006
Emmen/Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Actually im a guitarplayer, but since my dad bought a drumkit last year i find myself drumming a lot recently and i love it. He also bought a double bass pedal, and i can double bass a bit now. the problem is, i can do it on two different ways, but both have a problem so i cant choose wich to practise and improve.
The 1st way: Just both feet flat on the pedals and double bass fast but calm. The problem here is that its not so loud as single-bass. if i do it louder it will go slower and not regular. (the way i figured what might help is just much practice and it will go harder after some time, and maybe just go practice single bass 1st, switching with left and right foot.)
The 2nd way: Both feet "floating" a bit in the air with my toes on the top of the pedal and just bashing the things hard as hell, works great although its a bit harder to regulize. The problem here is it makes u tired as hell after 10 mins. (my thought of solving: lots of exersice, so i will get legs of an elephant and wont get tired)

Does anyone know wich is best? i thought the 1st one since it sounds better, but i dont know. Or does anyone know a better way? Can anyone tell me how youve learned it? Thanks for help :)
2nd way is much better, but the trick is, you dont use your legs to push dont on the use your ankles, its kind of like when you use your fingers instead of your wrist, knwo what i mean?
master-of-war said:
2nd way is much better, but the trick is, you dont use your legs to push dont on the use your ankles, its kind of like when you use your fingers instead of your wrist, knwo what i mean?
yeah, i think.. ill go try it as soon as my mom wakes up lol
Well i tried. I found it was more like a mix of both ways, since you still have your feet floating, but do it like the 1st way, just mobing your enkles, only with your heels in the air.. then i tried the 1st way, wich was more "relaxed" and sounded about the same.. Will try it some more times tho! thanks
Knarfi said:
Well i tried. I found it was more like a mix of both ways, since you still have your feet floating, but do it like the 1st way, just mobing your enkles, only with your heels in the air.. then i tried the 1st way, wich was more "relaxed" and sounded about the same.. Will try it some more times tho! thanks

i tried, i dunno man...i know that nile's drummer uses his ankles to go that speed...hes fucking fast as hell if you've heard ya, thats where i got that strategy
master-of-war said:
i tried, i dunno man...i know that nile's drummer uses his ankles to go that speed...hes fucking fast as hell if you've heard ya, thats where i got that strategy

Hmm yeah.. and who am i as a beginning drummer to argue hehe.. well ill practise it a bit and see how it goes