Drumming-Double Bass question

Eptar the Goat Lord

New Metal Member
Sep 5, 2002
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well, i have had a double bass pedal for about a half a year now, and i am just bothering to learn how to use it. I got invited into a metal band and i need to get good fast. I consider myself to be a pretty damn talented drummer (ive been playing for 6 years) so dont think im just some newb asking how to instantly become the best at something. I realize it will take a ton of freaking practice, but thats fine by me. What i would like is tips and techniques. For example, at some shows i see the drummers play with their heels in the air and hitting it with the ball of their foot. when i do this it seems near impossible to keep steady time. Any advice is of great help.
soooo....youre not really "into" metal, but you got invited to play with a band so now you want to impress people??
am I reading this wrong?!
sorry if I am, it just strikes me as peculiar.

anyway, Im not a drummer by any stretch of the imagination, but just by double bass-ing with my feet and banging on tables and counter tops along with loud music for many years I seem to have developed pretty solid timing. and Im half retarded.
so yeah, I imagine if you are actually a good drummer you should be able to fly like Hellhammer in a few weeks with practice, no problem.

uh..good luck and stuff
get the Emporer and Mayhem DVDs to see masters in action.
I lent mine to the drummer im playing with now and constantly harrassed him until he got the blastbeats down.
now if I could only do something about his silly haircut...
Not into metal? I most definitly am, even if i only started getting into the real stuff about a month ago. I assume you think i was not into metal because i never took the time to learn double bass? Not the case at all, im just lazy. I never had a need for it before since the only bands i was in were punk bands (not the crap on the radio, good punk, such as ; the casualties, Aus Rotten, and A global threat). Anyhow, thanks for the suggestions.
get the Emporer and Mayhem DVDs to see masters in action.

AH!!!! does it show two of my fav. drummers in action alot?!?! Where can i get these online? give me a review!!!! I MUST HAVE THESE DVD's!!!!!:D :D
Originally posted by DCLXVI
get the Emporer and Mayhem DVDs to see masters in action.
I lent mine to the drummer im playing with now and constantly harrassed him until he got the blastbeats down.
now if I could only do something about his silly haircut...

Ok, You guys are probably gonna kill me for this question, cuz it's so goddamn stupid, but I"m not a drummer, and I can never really identify one, so WHAT THE HELL IS A BLASTBEAT?
Originally posted by plfffffft
Ok, You guys are probably gonna kill me for this question, cuz it's so goddamn stupid, but I"m not a drummer, and I can never really identify one, so WHAT THE HELL IS A BLASTBEAT?

its easy to identify a drummer, hes the one hanging around with a bunch of musicians:lol:

and a blast beat goes like this:
kick snare kick snare kick snare kick snare

only really fast, sometimes with double bass, sometimes not.
Do you mean a single pedal with two kickers attached to it and hitting one drum?

Or, do you mean two bass drums, two pedals, requiring both feet?

I call the first double-bass, the second a double-kicker... but whatever...

The key is... PRACTICE...

And do some stuff the relates to bassing movements... tapping feet, running, riding a bike... might help if you get some leg muscles :p
Originally posted by DCLXVI
its easy to identify a drummer, hes the one hanging around with a bunch of musicians:lol:

oh come on! my 68 year old band director told me that this morning.........try and tell me Hellhammer or Tyrm is not a musician........
More than a few of the death metal drummers I know are using the Axis pedals... direct drive, and using triggers on their systems too....
I'm a drummer and I have played almost 7 years now.. I started playing double bass about 5 years ago and first it was really hard to play fast. Only thing I can say is that you just have to practice.. after that.. practice, practice and PRACTICE!!! Don't try to play fast at first.. first you have to learn play slower double bass and when you can play steady slow double bass then go faster and faster..

About those Axis pedals.. many fast drummer uses them, Nick Barker, Hellhammer, Richard Christy, Pete Sandoval, Adrian Erlandsonm etc..
I am not a drummer, but what I have read quite a bit is to get a metronome, and set it at a speed you can do 16th note timings at.
Work up your speed in time with the metronome, and keep doing it until you have it down. Also practice 16th note triplets(6 notes to a beat..).
Kinda like playing guitar fast...practice and more practice!