Drumming-Double Bass question

Originally posted by TazOnDrums
FailingAcension, here's a pic of my set up.


I use DW Drums (Drum Workshop Collector’s Series). It consists of 9 pieces plus cymbals.

(2) 22"x18" Bass Drums, 10"x9", 12"x10", 13"x11", 14"x12" Rack-Toms, 16"x14" & 18"x16" Floor-Toms. I also use the Tama Octabons (low pitched) set (not pictured). I switch between 3 different snare drums. A DW black brass collector’s series snare, 14"x5¼". I use a Pearl 14"x6½" "Free-Floating" snare drum (brass shell) and the 3rd is my Tama, signature steel shell, snare drum which is 14"x6½".

I use a Gibraltar GRS-850DBL rack system and a DW Hi-Hat stand & Bass Drum pedals (5000 delta Series).

I use Sabian cymbals: 18" AAX Rock Crash, 18" AA Medium Crash, 18" HH Rock Crash, 14" AAX Metal Hi-Hats, Two 20" Chinese, 10" Splash & a 22" Custom Ride (non-Sabian). I use Evans drumheads and Vater Rock drumsticks.

Very nice kit man the only thing I don't understand why the 13" tom to ruin the perfect interval! Btw I use same exact snare as you Pearl FF 14" x 6 1/2" Brass =)
Derek Roddy is the ultimate master at the bass drum, no questions asked. The guy goes faster than 99.5% of other drummers on one pedal. Anyways, in answering ur question, learn the rudiments! Then work on foot strength.
Yeah man!

there is alot of diffrent techniques and you have to learn some of them. does drummers that inspired me most on double bass techniques are of course than one and only Matte Modin (Dark Funeral & Defleshed) and also Darkane drummer Wildoer that is fucking amazing on everything he does. Not very strange that he is a drum teacher here in sweden. as some of the other guys said, practice and look on other drummers, not everybody uses the same techniques. Go slow....fast...faster...asshole fast.
It doesn`t have to take a long time to learn if u do it right.

/Former drummer
I've been playing drums sense I was about eight...let me see...that's 12 years in less than a month. I started with double bass about 2 or 3 years ago. When I started I couldn't play that fast. I just started slow. If I was sitting somewhere my feet where flying. I also found another way recently that helped a lot. I baught a pair of ankle weights and practiced with them on and after a while I was pretty good. I'm not saying I'm great or anything. I'm far from it that's why I practice everyday wheather behind a drum set or just sitting in a chair. I still use my ankle weights but I got used to them and now I don't even feel them when I use them so I'm going to double my weight, but like everyone is saying just practice.
In the words of many, in the worlds of few, stay metal stay true.