Double Bass Volume On The New Album


Dec 28, 2005
Hacienda Hts. CA
First of all, yes I downloaded it and yes I will buy it as soon as its out in the US. That being said...

Untill a few minutes ago after listening to this album for 48 hours straight (practically) and being 100% satisfied with another masterpiece by my favorite band. I came up with my first real complaint about this album.

You can hardly hear the double bass pedal in most of the fast songs this time around. Which is very odd for AA. Esp after VtW and FoN. If you havent noticed take the pepsi challenge yourself. Listen to "Valhall Awaits Me" or "Runes to my Memory". Then go back and listen to "Down the Sloped of Death" or "Valkyries Ride" or pretty much any song on VtW/FoN with fast double bass. Another thing i noticed is the song "With Odin On Our Side" is sporting nice volume on the bass kicker. Doesnt make sence to me.

I play the drums myself and Ive always loved the crisp sound AA ended up with on there double bass. Whats odd is, I feel like the guitars vocals and even drums (minus the double bass ofcoarce) have actually improved in the sound department.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the sound quality on the album should be better then the mp3s available online.

I dont personally feel like im complaining. Just making an observation. It might even just be me.
maybe u shouldnt complain untill uve heared the CD instead of the mp3's

Very productive reply, especially since i mentioned this very thing in my original post. Im just trying to make a constructive criticism here.

I thought that's why equalizers were there for.
Its not a EQ issue, its a volume issue. As i said, try for yourself switching between albums without changing your setting.

I admit its not THAT bad. Which is why it doesnt make too much of a difference on how much i enjoy the album. But there deffinatly is a difference.
Aris801 said:
Very productive reply, especially since i mentioned this very thing in my original post. Im just trying to make a constructive criticism here.
He has a point though. CD quality is generally far better than mp3 quality. It could well be that whoever ripped the mp3s you have, just blows at ripping CDs and screwed up the sound.
L33ch said:
He has a point though. CD quality is generally far better than mp3 quality. It could well be that whoever ripped the mp3s you have, just blows at ripping CDs and screwed up the sound.

Thanks, at least you got the (dutch, hihi) brains to understand what i meant.

My point, though, wasnt really the double bass sound but the guts you have to complain about a illegale version of a song on the official forum. and i dont see why you guys dont have the patience to wait for .. what.. 3 weeks? come on, get a life. srry for that
I noticed the same issue. I loved listening to Versus the World with the great double bass kicks. I'll wait until my pre-ordered copy arrives before I make a final verdict.

I'm still loving the album though.
Knarfi said:
Thanks, at least you got the (dutch, hihi) brains to understand what i meant.

My point, though, wasnt really the double bass sound but the guts you have to complain about a illegale version of a song on the official forum. and i dont see why you guys dont have the patience to wait for .. what.. 3 weeks? come on, get a life. srry for that

I dont see why you have to be such a douchebag about it. Im trying to start a productive conversation about a band i love and respect. I also stated IN MY VERY FIRST POST that im not complaining so much as making a observation (esp since i do love the new album as a whole) AND i also stated that its possible that the final version will have better quality then the mp3s available online. So pretty much everything you have said in this thread so far only comfirms that you either cant read, or you have nothing possitive to contribute to the discussion. In which case why even post???

Also, on the topic of downloading mp3s. I can respect the fact that you want to wait till the official release date. But to insult someone for not having the same mentallity/morals as you is just ignorant. The point of this forum is to promote discussions between Amon Amarth fans regardless of the nature. I dont see why talking about downloaded versions of songs is crossing the line. I could mention that i own all the AA albums but i shouldnt have to defend myself.

I hope your reply is a little more constructive then your previous ones.
Knarfi said:
Thanks, at least you got the (dutch, hihi) brains to understand what i meant.

My point, though, wasnt really the double bass sound but the guts you have to complain about a illegale version of a song on the official forum. and i dont see why you guys dont have the patience to wait for .. what.. 3 weeks? come on, get a life. srry for that

to serve what purpose? Anyone who's going to buy it is going to buy it, anyone who's going to download it and not buy it is going to do that. What does waiting 3 weeks do? Do the band members care? Seems more like it'd be the record companies and whinging forumites - but I'm more than happy to be shown the error of my judgements :)

Carrying on about it like your righteous judgement is somehow more valid than anyone elses is pointless, imho...
Aris801 said:
I dont see why you have to be such a douchebag about it. Im trying to start a productive conversation about a band i love and respect. I also stated IN MY VERY FIRST POST that im not complaining so much as making a observation (esp since i do love the new album as a whole) AND i also stated that its possible that the final version will have better quality then the mp3s available online. So pretty much everything you have said in this thread so far only comfirms that you either cant read, or you have nothing possitive to contribute to the discussion. In which case why even post???

Also, on the topic of downloading mp3s. I can respect the fact that you want to wait till the official release date. But to insult someone for not having the same mentallity/morals as you is just ignorant. The point of this forum is to promote discussions between Amon Amarth fans regardless of the nature. I dont see why talking about downloaded versions of songs is crossing the line. I could mention that i own all the AA albums but i shouldnt have to defend myself.

I hope your reply is a little more constructive then your previous ones.

well first of all dont say i cant read since u dont seem to get ME, and second of all where the fuck did i insult you? the get a life thing? ok, im so fucking sorry if your now insulted.. ill repeat a sentence i said before: THE POINT WASNT THAT YOU DOWNLOADED THE FRIGGIN SONGS!!! i mean its not my problem if you download the songs, and i dont care. i mean ive download .. pff.. hell some Gigabytes of music? everyone does! so friggin what? BUT! my point was that youre complaining (YES COMPLAINING, DONT DENY PLZ) about a DOWNLOADED song that is YET TO BE RELEASED. DONT YOU SEE MY FUCKING POINT HERE?!?!?! well if you dont, plz say so to show me that i have wasted to much time in this topic.

Hail my opinion - Knarf.
Blowtus said:
to serve what purpose? Anyone who's going to buy it is going to buy it, anyone who's going to download it and not buy it is going to do that. What does waiting 3 weeks do? Do the band members care? Seems more like it'd be the record companies and whinging forumites - but I'm more than happy to be shown the error of my judgements :)

Carrying on about it like your righteous judgement is somehow more valid than anyone elses is pointless, imho...

well read my post above and beg for mercy
didn't explain why it's so terrible to download something a record company hasn't started selling yet?
if you mean that it's just silly to complain about, fair enough. Seemed more like a comment than a big whinge.
Blowtus said:
didn't explain why it's so terrible to download something a record company hasn't started selling yet?

did i ever say that? no? ok theres ur answer go play outside

and yes for the people who wanna know im pissed i got a shitty day and now some "blowtus" dude is getting on my nerves
Now, now Knarfster - stop flinging sand at Blowtus. It's not nice, and if you don't stop you'll have to sit in the corner until you apologize. ;-)
He did say that it was OK for you to think it was silly to complain. I understand your post to mean that one cannot judge a cd's quality based on a downloaded-of-the-net mp3. Just like Aris801 stated in his original post.
Tyra, though i agree with you most of the times, im not gonna change my thoughts about this. Yes, he stated it in his original post, but he's still complaining! thats the same as stealing a phone in a shop and then return the next week to say that somethings not working, in my opinion.

Oh and i dont have anything vs blowtus, i never heared of the guy before, but i just had a pretty fucked up day, so im getting pissed on little things fast.
Knarfi said:
Tyra, though i agree with you most of the times, im not gonna change my thoughts about this. Yes, he stated it in his original post, but he's still complaining! thats the same as stealing a phone in a shop and then return the next week to say that somethings not working, in my opinion.

Oh and i dont have anything vs blowtus, i never heared of the guy before, but i just had a pretty fucked up day, so im getting pissed on little things fast.

Just as an analogy, Your telling me if you recieved something for free...lets say an iPOD or anything else. And you are not pleased with the overall design of this item. Your telling me, you wouldnt give it a negative review JUST BECAUSE ITS FREE???? Now dont get me wrong, Im in no way saying anything about the new album is is bad. Im just pointing out that your arguement is that of a 15 year old. Just because its free, DOESNT MEANT ITS PERFECT.

I actually thin i owe you an appology. Just untill five minutes ago i was trying to have a mature arguement and i felt as though i was talking to a immature child. I now know that i actually am arguing with a child (born in 1990) and i am sorry for treating you like an adult.

I pretty much gathered that the only reason you posted something that was already said in my first post was just because you "had a bad day". Well i hope you feel better today, Next time spare me the immature squabling.

and BTW just so you know, Posting replys in huge letters is not gonna make whats actually said make any more sence. Usually just makes you look like a jackass.
Aris801 said:
Just as an analogy, Your telling me if you recieved something for free...lets say an iPOD or anything else. And you are not pleased with the overall design of this item. Your telling me, you wouldnt give it a negative review JUST BECAUSE ITS FREE???? Now dont get me wrong, Im in no way saying anything about the new album is is bad. Im just pointing out that your arguement is that of a 15 year old. Just because its free, DOESNT MEANT ITS PERFECT.

I actually thin i owe you an appology. Just untill five minutes ago i was trying to have a mature arguement and i felt as though i was talking to a immature child. I now know that i actually am arguing with a child (born in 1990) and i am sorry for treating you like an adult.

I pretty much gathered that the only reason you posted something that was already said in my first post was just because you "had a bad day". Well i hope you feel better today, Next time spare me the immature squabling.

and BTW just so you know, Posting replys in huge letters is not gonna make whats actually said make any more sence. Usually just makes you look like a jackass.

Normally i'd feel insulted, but not when it comes from you. and when i first replied i didnt had a bad day, TODAY i had a bad day, i replied yesterday if i can recall that correctly. and another thing, its my oppinion. and so what im 15?! cant i have an opinion? well the reason i dont feel insulted by this, is because you talk more immature to me than i was doing to you. Yes your right the huge letters were a bit childish, but what you just replied made me laugh.
Also, the thing you said with the free ipod isnt quite the same as downloading a illegal rip-off song. But, why the hel should i care? you dont care what i think of this, but i dont mind, cos youve just showed that your not quite mature (especially for your age) either.

-Regards, the 15 year old Knarf.