Help this mix suck less, please!

Hey man.

The mix isn't bad, but it doesn't have a clean, polished sound to it.
Here's a couple things I would try:

- Double track the vocals, or boost the mids (They sound super thin.)
- Are those natural drums, or samples? If they are natural, reEQ them, because they sort of stick out. If they are samples, find different ones.
- Beef up the guitars. Whether or not you double tracked here, I'm not sure. But the overall volume and beefiness needs to come up just a tad.

See if that helps at all.

Hey man.

The mix isn't bad, but it doesn't have a clean, polished sound to it.
Here's a couple things I would try:

- Double track the vocals, or boost the mids (They sound super thin.)
- Are those natural drums, or samples? If they are natural, reEQ them, because they sort of stick out. If they are samples, find different ones.
- Beef up the guitars. Whether or not you double tracked here, I'm not sure. But the overall volume and beefiness needs to come up just a tad.

See if that helps at all.


Hey man, thanks for the detailed reply, I really appriciate it!

All the screaming vocals are double tracked with a SM7b into FF800 with the double sitting 6db below the main line.

All the singing vocals are triple tracked with a SM7b into a FF800, there's a main line, an exact double and an octave lower double. The exact double and the octave lower double are mixed in 6db below the main line.

I'll look into boosting the mids some and see if that helps. I noticed this singer lacked a little bit around 200hz or so but that's where I have my snare going on.

As far as the drums go, yeah they are S2.0 mixed with some of the drummers own samples about 80/20. So I will try to figure out something there.

As far as the guitars go, I'll try and add some more low end like you suggested and see how everything sounds. Thanks again bro.
I'm not entirely sure how you managed to get S2.0 sounding like this.
Even stock, un-mixed, totally fucking raw when you load it up, it sounds good. This just sounds like... Man, what the fuck is with that snare :|
I'm not entirely sure how you managed to get S2.0 sounding like this.
Even stock, un-mixed, totally fucking raw when you load it up, it sounds good. This just sounds like... Man, what the fuck is with that snare :|

Haha, I'm not entirely sure either. Well, is there anything more specific that you think I should work on with the drums or is it just so bad that I should start tweaking S2.0 from scratch again?

Thanks for the reply man!
Without meaning to sound like a cunt, I'd say back to the drawing board.

Focus less on trying to change the sound of thhe drums, focus more on bringing out their qualities. Also, smash the room mics with a comp and blend in liberally. And I mean fucken liberally.
Without meaning to sound like a cunt, I'd say back to the drawing board.

Focus less on trying to change the sound of thhe drums, focus more on bringing out their qualities. Also, smash the room mics with a comp and blend in liberally. And I mean fucken liberally.

Cool man, it's all good, I'm glad to get any feedback. I guess I'll start back from scratch tomarrow and see if I can get it sounding any better. Thanks again man.
Yeah basically it all just sounds really, really motherfucking dry and over-processed. Sort of sounds like you're trying to process them to get a certain type of sound but it ends up sounding like you have no idea what you're doing, no offense or anything.

Use the room mics to augment the sound and add beef and resonance and sustain, that's where s2.0 comes reaaally alive bro.
Check that mix. Whether the music's up your street or not, there's some drumming at the end. There is ZERO processing on any of the drums. I just turned the room mic up mega fucking loud and used the kick and snare tracks to just add some punch.

I'm not saying do that, but listen to the sustain that the room mics add. Exploit the fuck out of that man, cos then you can use compression to get mega punchy close miced tracks and use the room for sustain.