Help us keep Ben here in Australia! (Huge benefit show on July 31 in Melbourne!)

I got a surprise for the Ne'o guys having to do with this gig, something I will have to give you guys in mid August when I get it :).
I've been reading the liquor act, and tomorrow I'm going to stop off at the police station and ask some questions, and its looking like I'll be there :D this is one of my less desperate acts.
Thank you so much to everyone that attended last night, over 450 people that attended... a success for Australian metal, it really shows that this country can indeed have a great scene.

And apologies to those fingers I stood on...........
The maddest night ever, how good was that ? Seriously ... incredible vibes, love was everywhere
well said Benji! Phenomenal gig, definitely one of the best neo shows i've ever seen. Everything was absolutely top notch, especially the atmosphere. Well done gents! very glad I came down :)
major kudos to tim and welkin for putting on such a well-run show, if only gigs like that could come along more often :D
with 450 payers, maybe you should skip the whole visa application process and just bribe the department of immigration straight up with a brown envelope full of 100 dollar notes stuffed under their door!
Great gig! All the bands rocked! *AND* I got to see all of the last band (Eyefear) without missing the train (3 full minutes to spare).
awesome atmosphere, awesome turnout, a lovely night altogether. My friend who I brought along (his first metal gig) was awestruck ^^

It's great to be a metal fan in Victoria at the moment.
It was so big I didn't even realise Giles and Tom were there. I'm sorry I didn't see you guys at all. It was a strange night actually... Considering how many birds of a feather flocked together it felt rather odd because I hardly spoke with anyone from back in the day, considering how many of 'us' there were. Maybe I'm too romantic about it all but we had something going back in 2006/7 which has apparently disappeared.

NeO were incredible and have come so far. I was amazed. Extremely pleasing to see it all come together so seemlessly! Well done boys, I was truly impressed. It's the full show these days, with light, sound and presence. Very impressive!