Help w/ New Amp!


New Metal Member
Apr 11, 2018
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
This is my first post here, so bear with me. My apologies if I’m in the wrong section or breaking any rules.

So my girl just financed a new car, which of course means I get to finance some new gear in the spirit of fairness, but I’m super indecisive. I’m currently looking at Marshall DSL15H, Laney Cub-Head, Randall RG1003H, Vox Night Train, Orange CR120, Peavey/EVH 6505MH/5150LBX, and Randall Diavlo RD20 or RD45.

Right now I mostly play heavy down tuned stoner rock/doom metal, but I also play a lot of blues, classic rock, punk, thrash, metalcore, etc. Right now I have an Orange Dark Terror and Orange Tiny Terror I play through either an Avatar 2x12 with I think Celestion G12t-100s or a cheap Peavey 1x12 and Clairvoyant Customs 1x12 with Celestion Seventy80, a Vox Pathinder 15 watt mini stack (really cool, pretty rare), and a couple small practice amps. For guitars I mostly play a Gibson LP, SG, and Firebird and two Epi LPs, but I do have a couple strats I pick up on occasion. I run a pretty big pedalboard with a boost, tubescreamer, and muff to juice my amps when needed. I’m in an apartment and I like pushed power tubes, so don’t go recommending 100 watt tube

So here’s my dilemma... I love fat stoner/doom/sludge tones, so my mind instantly went to the Orange CR120 and Laney Cub-Head, but since I already have the DT and TT, it might just be redundant. I don’t own anything with a clean channel...perhaps I should get something more versatile? I’m really skeptical about solid state too, but the RG1003H and CR120 do have me intrigued. I’m really only looking at new amps because I’m gonna get a 12 month payment plan from Zzounds, the Night Train is the only one I’m really looking at used. Price range is up to maybe $600 or $700, but the cheaper the better. Right now I’m leaning towards the DSL15 ‘cause they’re being blown out at $350 brand new since the DSL20s came out, but I’ve never had a tube Marshall or been a Marshall guy so i don’t know.

Before someone comments “go to the store and try them” or “try before you buy”, I have tried a 10” Laney Cub combo but couldn’t find the head, the 6505mh, the CR120, and I’ve played a Marshall DSL40 but not 15. I’m gonna go to Guitar Center this weekend though and play some stuff for longer, see what really makes an impression.
Well, I do have an EVH 5150 Stealth, I like to play thrash and death metal but I also like AC/DC and that kind of stuff.
And it does everything awesome!!!
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Well, I do have an EVH 5150 Stealth, I like to play thrash and death metal but I also like AC/DC and that kind of stuff.
And it does everything awesome!!!

Thanks for the input! Right now I’m leaning towards the RG1003H...I just realized all the tube amps other than the Night Train and Laney are adjustable bias and not cathode biased. Don’t wanna pay amp techs to bias when I change tubes and I’m not really comfortable doing it myself.... And with the RG1003H it’s cheap enough I could get another cab too