Help wanted - Istanbul live reviews or magazine scans

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
Im trying to finish off my tour report in time for Christmas but Im missing a review or live photos for Istanbul. If anyone knows of one it would be very appreciated because imo it was one of the best gigs we'd ever played in terms of interactivity with the crowd and I'd hate for it to appear to be getting ignored in the report. please please please. DON WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?

If anyone knows of any other live reports too that would be great. Athens or Estonia. Oh and Dora can I use selected parts of your live review? Mehdi can you translate that paris magazine article for me?

On a similar note a really nice guy from finland recently sent me a clipping of a magazine plus a translation to put up in my PRESS section. I'd love to see more so if I'm not being too cheeky I'd be dead grateful if anyone has any magazine features of antimatter a scan of the page would be great.

Thanks everyone!!
Mick Moss said:
Im trying to finish off my tour report in time for Christmas but Im missing a review or live photos for Istanbul. If anyone knows of one it would be very appreciated because imo it was one of the best gigs we'd ever played in terms of interactivity with the crowd and I'd hate for it to appear to be getting ignored in the report. please please please. DON WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?

If anyone knows of any other live reports too that would be great. Athens or Estonia. Oh and Dora can I use selected parts of your live review? Mehdi can you translate that paris magazine article for me?

On a similar note a really nice guy from finland recently sent me a clipping of a magazine plus a translation to put up in my PRESS section. I'd love to see more so if I'm not being too cheeky I'd be dead grateful if anyone has any magazine features of antimatter a scan of the page would be great.

Thanks everyone!!

Hey Mick,

I remember I had begun translating my review of the Paris gig into English. I translated like 2/3 of it and then forgot about it. I can still try to finish it before Xmas if you wish but you'll have to correct my broken English :erk:
Awright! I'll do my best to finish it before Xmas, maybe the Lights Out review too... And I hope Mehdi will soon have time to finish translating Dunc's interview.
A lot of work ahead :yow: