Help! Windows Vista and Presonus Firepod...


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
I know, I know...This has been talked about in another thread, but I really need to know.

Can I use the standard Vista ASIO driver to run my Firepod?

Wolfeman said it should work in the Vista thread posted by Gavin.

I just wanted to see if anyone else thinks this would be OK.

The Presonus site is showing the drivers are not yet available, and from reading the tech support forum, many seem to think that you can't. No one has tried as far as I can tell, but...

I have a project on Saturday to record and I want to see if any of you know if I can use the generic Vista ASIO driver.

I don't want to spend tomorrow night cleaning this new laptop out and putting in XP...:cry:

Oh yeah, my Firepod is at our rehearsal space, so I won't be able to test it until tomorrow...I'm an idiot :(
well, I may not be after this debacle.

I've moved the project back a bit, so it will give me time to mess with everything.

To be honest, I don't mind Vista. It may be a resource hog to some, but I cleaned my machine of as much stuff as I could when I got it, and the most I've seen it using as far as RAM goes in an idle state is 533MB, a bit less than the 750+ people are clamoring about. And, everything is running vastly faster than my old machine. I'm running 2GB of RAM and so far, no problems. My home PC setup has a 3.2 GHz pent. 4 with 1 GB of RAM running Win. XP, and so far, this system on my laptop (Core 2 Duo T5500, 2GB RAM, Vista) is doing everything better. The only problem I've encountered is the Waves Shell to run my Waves plugs doesn't work, so my plug ins don't show up. But, the direct X versions all show up in my Direct X plug folder, so I've been using those and don't really hear a difference.

The other problem I have at the moment is I haven't been able to adequately test the Firepod. The Presonus ASIO driver is showing up in my setup menus, but I haven't been able to actually hook the Firepod up to see if it works.

Once Presonus makes the driver available, I really don't think I'll have a problem with my system.

I've installed a few DVD burning programs that I got from Limewire that copy protected DVD's and all that stuff has installed no problem. You do have to navigate through a bunch of dialog boxes saying that MS doesn't recognize the programs you are trying to install, and warns against installing unknown software. But, it still allows you to still install them if you choose.
Like most major OS releases, it's a matter of waiting before they're stable enough for DAW work. Reliable drivers need to be written for a start...then it's the countless updates for the applications to run properly. Safe to say that I won't be touching Vista for audio for some time (if at all) as my system is finally (relatively) stable under XP after how many years since it was released?
Nate- I got the Firepod to work in Vista, but it sucked so bad. Presonus said they will have drivers by the end of this month or next month, so you can wait, or do what I did- switch back to XP
hmm...Did you try to install the regular Presonus drivers? I did. I haven't been able to hook the firepod up, but it's giving me everything that XP does on a visual level showing that it will work. Not that that means anything.

How was it switching back to XP? Did you have to wipe the drive and all that?