Help with a sampler?


New Metal Member
Mar 16, 2012
Hey guys,
Im fairly new on the forum but i was wondering if you guys could help me out.
I need to create a drum track using Joey's samples and the gear i have now without buying anything else. Im not very financially stable at the moment.
Heres the gear i have:
Macbook Pro OS X Lion
Presonus Firestudio
Samples bought from Joey's Store
Access to Reaper, Garageband, and Cubase LE4
M-Audio Axiom 25

Im really stuck here guys and need to get recording some music and get creativity flowing.

Thanks in advance to everyone on the forum!
If you do not have a real drumkit / electronic drum kit. You will have to program the drums. I have a full blown rig but as dumb as this might sound when it comes to laying down basic ideas or getting a starting point I even like to use simple shareware midi editors (example would be Anvil studio". So easy and featureless. It allows me to very quickly map out my kicks and snares. After i have a basic midi track I will then import it into my DAW load up some kick ass samples and "humanize it". Something like Kontakt will do the job. By humanizing I mean riding levels and perhaps not quantizing everything 100%. In my experience "real drums" can be quantized hard and sound natural, "programmed drums" really need some movement to sound real. Watch the latest episode of Pensados Place it has an "into the lair" discussing this. Of course this is more hiphop oriented but it applies to the question you are asking.Please keep in mind that these are just suggestions, in all honesty every track I do I mic a real kit. Im also pretty sure there are some engineers on here that you could give a midi track and for a small price they will blow your mind with the results.

Studdy \m/
thats the problem, Kontakt =/ i definitely don't have the money for it. If there was a free alternative to it that would be awesome but ive searched and haven't come up with much. Thanks for the info though! i really appreciate it!
If you do not have a real drumkit / electronic drum kit. You will have to program the drums. I have a full blown rig but as dumb as this might sound when it comes to laying down basic ideas or getting a starting point I even like to use simple shareware midi editors (example would be Anvil studio". So easy and featureless. It allows me to very quickly map out my kicks and snares. After i have a basic midi track I will then import it into my DAW load up some kick ass samples and "humanize it". Something like Kontakt will do the job. By humanizing I mean riding levels and perhaps not quantizing everything 100%. In my experience "real drums" can be quantized hard and sound natural, "programmed drums" really need some movement to sound real. Watch the latest episode of Pensados Place it has an "into the lair" discussing this. Of course this is more hiphop oriented but it applies to the question you are asking.Please keep in mind that these are just suggestions, in all honesty every track I do I mic a real kit. Im also pretty sure there are some engineers on here that you could give a midi track and for a small price they will blow your mind with the results.

Studdy \m/
I need to create a drum track using Joey's samples and the gear i have now

doesnt his samples come with kontakt??
maybe u got them else where... if so, and i dont know how much you have, but u can download 'drumsite' for like 50 bucks and u can load the samples with those. tis what i do
i'm trying to understand your situation but it's difficult.

you bought sturgis samples ...from joey... at his web store?

you purchased his samples without owning kontakt first?

now, you are looking for someone to program drums for you using sturgis samples... and kontakt?

i'm trying to find the logic behind that. :guh:
Program drums with whatever virtual instrument you have in your daw.
Print each drum to it's own audio track.
Use a sample replacer to replace the stock sounds with Joey's samples.
i'm trying to understand your situation but it's difficult.

you bought sturgis samples ...from joey... at his web store?

you purchased his samples without owning kontakt first?

now, you are looking for someone to program drums for you using sturgis samples... and kontakt?

i'm trying to find the logic behind that. :guh:

Ok, Im using the WAV files not the kontakt instrument
and yes i bought them from his web store, i only bought cymbals i have my own drum samples
the only way you can do this (without spending money) is using your daw as a "tracker" ... which means you need to drag and drop the samples to the grid of your edit window.

which isn't so bad... i remember doing that when i first started learning the ins and outs. esp. since there was no such thing as a vst/instrument sampler back then.

get to work homie! :)
the only way you can do this (without spending money) is using your daw as a "tracker" ... which means you need to drag and drop the samples to the grid of your edit window.

which isn't so bad... i remember doing that when i first started learning the ins and outs. esp. since there was no such thing as a vst/instrument sampler back then.

get to work homie! :)

doing it as we speak, ill post results later!
You can use other samplers too if you have the wavs

what samplers are you talking about?

...from what it looks like, he is looking for something *free.

afaik there are no *free multi samplers out there (other than factory samplers that come with daws -logic.exs / pro tools.structure / live.sampler / cubase.halion / reason.nnxt- i'm sure i'm missing a few third party plugins... but i can't think of any *free ones.
Isn't Kontakt Player free? I used Kontakt Player with my SSD 3 EX pack so I assume that you can load up other sample packs into it? Or maybe the Kontakt Player that comes with SSD is a specially licensed version that they allowed Slate to use and you can't load other .nki files into it. I never tried :loco:

I could be dead wrong but here's a link. Still a plug worth having!

Kontakt 5 Player