help with amp


Jan 13, 2006
i want to buy a new amp with heavy reverb that can go from rock(interpol listion to them to help me) to something with distroson for something like obituary...

...btw i will be runing a prs custom se guitar and aboss ds-1 distrorsion and a vox wah pedal
however, if you plan on buying a reverb pedal, make sure your amp has an effects loop. Otherwise, the reverb will sound fine on clean, but when you switch to distortion, the amp will distort your guitar's sound along with the reverb, leaving you with a huge echoey neverending distorted mess. Very useful if you play post-rock, but in any other case not really. In any case, you just have to make sure that your reverb goes after distortion.
yea you want to put reverb on the distortion,not distort the reverb.
Something to keep in mind when looking for an amp is most importantly the sound you want.

If your looking to play metal there isnt much reverb on the guitars bands like Obituary, Nevermore, Naplm Death, InFalmes use very veyr very little reverb on the guitars.

As for playing lead, reverb is used but still not alot. Delay is the most common effect used on leads nowadays.

The 80s are over the days of over drenched reverbd guitars are gone. Its all about playing dry and making theigs sound tight.

Rebebmer never practice your guitar with distortion or reverb. Play clean so you have hear all your mistakes ans sloppiness.