
New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2009
hey guys,
i am VERY new to recording especially not using an ampsim. i currently am messing around with amplitube metal but i cant get even close to a good sound. i also have guitar rig 3 which i know is basically a piece of shit. any advice for me starting off. im running a les paul with emg's straight into a piece of shit tascam us-122. i could use tips about any part of this process. should i look into preamps, different ampsim, different sound card, etc...
PLEASE i have so many good ideas i just cant get them to sound good. thanks everyone :D
Getting a good sound from an amp sim requires one thing - stop trying to get it to sound like the amp it says it is, it will never get you there. i.e. treat it as it's own amp. The folks getting great tones out of sims are crafting a tone by understanding this limitation and working from there. There is a lot of advice scattered throughout past posts here that will guide you along the way. A combination of free sims, impulse responses, and some basic AE techniques have ended in some stellar tones - it's just a matter of understanding you need to learn it as a different tool than the "real" deal.

I, like kass, don't thing GRIII is a bad amp sim - I like GR4 better, but don't limit yourself to just those amp sims - there are a ton of options that are free and quite frankly many are better than the commercial lines. See this thread - List of guitar ampsim software.

Search a little - the info you seek is here, but you need to do the work, people here see this question each and every day - the info is here. Just look around.
I've got a US-122, and my only real complaint is that the preamps suck balls. I got one of those cheapo Behringer Ultragains and it did wonders.
I've got a US-122, and my only real complaint is that the preamps suck balls. I got one of those cheapo Behringer Ultragains and it did wonders.
Whats wrong with them? I want to buy a US-122 as my first interface, i thought it was decent but if even a behringer has beter preamps ...
thanks for the help guys. and arvoitus im using the instrument input should i be using that one?
Whats wrong with them? I want to buy a US-122 as my first interface, i thought it was decent but if even a behringer has beter preamps ...

It's hard to explain - I record all of my guitars direct, and when I was plugging straight into the 122 my sound was really... dead. Sticking a tube in front of it just made everything I track sound better.

Plus, having the compression/limiter option made bass a whole lot easier to handle.