Help with CD - Rocksound Magazine i think from 2000 - 2002

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
right... another long shot but lets see

back in 2000 - 2002 I believe Rock Sound Magazine Released a magazine featuring arch enemy in it and a review of the wages of sin album - if you's remember it was this picture below and it said across the picture "arch enemy hear me roar"


now anyway to the point - i couldn't give a flying fuck about the magazine... instead it was the cd that came with it im more interested with

as far as i remember burning angel was track 2, there was a track from coal chamber on it too and a band called "knut" - the magazine was orange (like fire) and so was the cd (orange too)

anyway if someone still has the cd or the magazine is there any dam chance on this planet you could type out the track listing so i can find the songs again?

so far i have arch enemy burning angel & the coal chamber song but i simply can't remember the other tracks names

its a once off but i thought i'd try it - i contacted rocksound magazine about 2 years ago but the pricks said they didnt keep archives.. grr

help me relive my teenage years if you have the listings!

fingers crossed :goggly: