Help with Dissertation...


Little Lady
Jan 6, 2006
North-East Scotland
I have to complete a 5,000 word dissertation on Terrorism, and would be grateful if you would be so kind as to fill in my questionnaire. I have chosen to post it here as I believe I will get some interesting results due to the huge spectrum of opinion on this board, and also the widely differing opinions of all who post.

You could either post the completed questionnaire on this thread, or if you prefer you could send it via PM. I don't think either way will affect the results, although I'm not really sure as I haven't had much help off my teachers about this subject.

If you could just indicate you're answers clearly in any means you like (i.e. typing yes/no etc, or just placing an '-' by your answer.)


The War on Terror necessitates a restriction of individual liberty


1.Age: 10 – 18
19 – 25
26 – 45
46 – 65
66 >

2.Are you:

3.Are you? Student Employed Part-Time
Employed Full-Time Retired

4.What ethnic group do you belong to:

Other (Please Specify)

5.What restrictions on individual liberty are you aware of regarding the war on terror?
For example, limitations on free speech, unlawful arrest and rendition flights, activities in Guantanamo Bay…

6.Do you believe that restrictions of individual liberty such as the suspected terrorist’s bill, rendition flights, ID cards (on UK Citizens) are necessary?


7.Do you think that this way is the only way to deal with terrorism?

8.What do you think of proposed government plans to tackle terrorism such as:
a.ID Cards.


b.Religious Hatred Law (will make it illegal to criticise another religion)


c.Terror Bill (suspected terrorists can be held for 90 days without trial. Another bans the glorification of terrorism in any way.)


9.Do you believe that the war on terror is genuine with regard to protecting and spreading democracy as the main reasons for it, including protecting those who are most at risk?


10.In your opinion, are there genuine reasons behind terrorist acts?


11.If yes, should these be taken into account when dealing with terrorists?

Don’t know
12.Are you aware of what Guantanamo Bay is?


13.If yes, how do you feel about the treatment of prisoners?

i) Unhappy about it, it is a restriction of individual liberty and a breach of human rights.

ii) Although it is a breach of human rights, it is still necessary to fight terrorism.

iii) They are terrorists (although some have been caught before committing a terrorist act), therefore they have given up there human rights when they committed a crime.

iv) I do not care either way.

14.If yes to question 12, do you think it should be closed down?

P.s. I know the layout is quite crap (the boxes don't work on here) as it wansn't designed for the internet, so apologies.

Also,Speed recommended that I start a new thread instead of adding this on to the existing Terrorism thread.
Neith said:
I have to complete a 5,000 word dissertation on Terrorism, and would be grateful if you would be so kind as to fill in my questionnaire. I have chosen to post it here as I believe I will get some interesting results due to the huge spectrum of opinion on this board, and also the widely differing opinions of all who post.

You could either post the completed questionnaire on this thread, or if you prefer you could send it via PM. I don't think either way will affect the results, although I'm not really sure as I haven't had much help off my teachers about this subject.

If you could just indicate you're answers clearly in any means you like (i.e. typing yes/no etc, or just placing an '-' by your answer.)


The War on Terror necessitates a restriction of individual liberty


1.Age: 10 – 18
19 – 25
26 – 45
46 – 65
66 >

2.Are you:

3.Are you? Student Employed Part-Time
Employed Full-Time Retired

4.What ethnic group do you belong to:

Other (Please Specify)

5.What restrictions on individual liberty are you aware of regarding the war on terror?
For example, limitations on free speech, unlawful arrest and rendition flights, activities in Guantanamo Bay…

6.Do you believe that restrictions of individual liberty such as the suspected terrorist’s bill, rendition flights, ID cards (on UK Citizens) are necessary?


7.Do you think that this way is the only way to deal with terrorism?

8.What do you think of proposed government plans to tackle terrorism such as:
a.ID Cards.


b.Religious Hatred Law (will make it illegal to criticise another religion)


c.Terror Bill (suspected terrorists can be held for 90 days without trial. Another bans the glorification of terrorism in any way.)


9.Do you believe that the war on terror is genuine with regard to protecting and spreading democracy as the main reasons for it, including protecting those who are most at risk?


10.In your opinion, are there genuine reasons behind terrorist acts?


11.If yes, should these be taken into account when dealing with terrorists?

Don’t know
12.Are you aware of what Guantanamo Bay is?


13.If yes, how do you feel about the treatment of prisoners?

i) Unhappy about it, it is a restriction of individual liberty and a breach of human rights.

ii) Although it is a breach of human rights, it is still necessary to fight terrorism.

iii) They are terrorists (although some have been caught before committing a terrorist act), therefore they have given up there human rights when they committed a crime.

iv) I do not care either way.

14.If yes to question 12, do you think it should be closed down?

P.s. I know the layout is quite crap (the boxes don't work on here) as it wansn't designed for the internet, so apologies.

Also,Speed recommended that I start a new thread instead of adding this on to the existing Terrorism thread.

1) 26-45--although I am 26--you make me feel like an old man.

2) Male

3) Full time

4) white

5) Every liberty given to citizens in the bill of rights has been violated.

6) NO

7) Disagree

8) Bad

8b bad

8c bad

9) No

10) Yes

11) Yes

12) Yes

13) i

14) yes
Neith said:
The War on Terror necessitates a restriction of individual liberty


1.Age: 26 – 45

2.Are you:

3.Are you? Student Employed Part-Time
Employed Full-Time Retired
Employed Full-time, although I see no relevance to this question.

4.What ethnic group do you belong to:

5.What restrictions on individual liberty are you aware of regarding the war on terror?
For example, limitations on free speech, unlawful arrest and rendition flights, activities in Guantanamo Bay…
Those, amongst other things.

6.Do you believe that restrictions of individual liberty such as the suspected terrorist’s bill, rendition flights, ID cards (on UK Citizens) are necessary?

Yes, although not for the reasons of "fighting terror".

7.Do you think that this way is the only way to deal with terrorism?

8.What do you think of proposed government plans to tackle terrorism such as:
a.ID Cards.

b.Religious Hatred Law (will make it illegal to criticise another religion)

This is plainly ridiculous. Neither.
c.Terror Bill (suspected terrorists can be held for 90 days without trial. Another bans the glorification of terrorism in any way.)

9.Do you believe that the war on terror is genuine with regard to protecting and spreading democracy as the main reasons for it, including protecting those who are most at risk?

Why would I agree with people who push democracy in others' faces like it was a fucking drug? Maybe, just maybe, democracy isn't the answer to the world's problems.

No, I don't belive the war on terror is genuine.
10.In your opinion, are there genuine reasons behind terrorist acts?

11.If yes, should these be taken into account when dealing with terrorists?

Don’t know
Well, I would say that this follows from the previous. Terrorists are breaking laws, after all. This is how the legal process functions.
12.Are you aware of what Guantanamo Bay is?

13.If yes, how do you feel about the treatment of prisoners?

i) Unhappy about it, it is a restriction of individual liberty and a breach of human rights.

ii) Although it is a breach of human rights, it is still necessary to fight terrorism.

iii) They are terrorists (although some have been caught before committing a terrorist act), therefore they have given up there human rights when they committed a crime.

iv) I do not care either way.

14.If yes to question 12, do you think it should be closed down?
Yes. It's a waste of time, effort, and money.
Blaphbee said:
Employed Full-time, although I see no relevance to this question.

This question originally was going to ask what exactly you do for a living in with regard to the register generals definiton of class as I thought it would be interesting to see if people's opinions on the subject matter would correlate with their social standing. For example, it may have turned out that students and the poor were more 'against' the war and the techniques used to 'fight' terrorists; whilst those better off were more supportive to thier government. Needless to say, I didn't do this, although I may add that in later today when I have more time to find out exactly the right method of class stratification to use, as I fail to remember them all.

Anyway, thanks to you both for filling this in already.
1.Age:19 – 25

2.Are you:Male

3.Are you?Student

4.What ethnic group do you belong to:White.

5.What restrictions on individual liberty are you aware of regarding the war on terror?
Until I read this, none. (Not huge down under)

6.Do you believe that restrictions of individual liberty such as the suspected terrorist’s bill, rendition flights, ID cards (on UK Citizens) are necessary?

7.Do you think that this way is the only way to deal with terrorism?

8.What do you think of proposed government plans to tackle terrorism such as:
a.ID Cards.

b.Religious Hatred Law (will make it illegal to criticise another religion)

c.Terror Bill (suspected terrorists can be held for 90 days without trial. Another bans the glorification of terrorism in any way.)

9.Do you believe that the war on terror is genuine with regard to protecting and spreading democracy as the main reasons for it, including protecting those who are most at risk?

10.In your opinion, are there genuine reasons behind terrorist acts?

11.If yes, should these be taken into account when dealing with terrorists?

12.Are you aware of what Guantanamo Bay is?

13.If yes, how do you feel about the treatment of prisoners?
i) is closest, but the bad treatment of prisoners has to my knowledge not been proved, so none of them really fit

14.If yes to question 12, do you think it should be closed down?
You should check out the book 'Guantanamo: What the World Should Know' as it is quite an eye opener. That is, if you're interested. It's written by Michael Ratner and Ellen Ray, and is in the form of an interesting and entertaining dialogue between the two. Whilst I'm sure that not everything in the book is necessarily fact, and there is bound to be a lot of bias, it does still enlighten the reader about many of the abuses which go on in Guantanamo. It also highlights exactly where the government in inmpinging on human rights and the liberty of individuals.

Many of the inmates of Guantanamo are supposed to be terrorists and so on, but they have children at the centre, as well as the very old. At one point in the book Michael mentions an old man who is chained to his zimmer frame. Needless to say, it is ridiculous to even contemplate that this man is a terrorist, nor is it likely that he is the mastermind of any terrorist plot to bring down Western 'democracy'. The majority of these inmates were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and as a result, are sexually abused by female officers, raped by male officers, beaten, forced to renounce their religion, kept naked and hooded a great deal of time, etc. One former detainee of Guanatanamo reported watching a boy between the ages of 15-18 being raped by an army translator. I got this information from the Washington post, who were reporting on these abuses, and the investigations which were resulting from these statements. The fact that various army officers are on trial for this crimes suggests that they do take place. Indeed, various officers have already been placed in prison for abusing Iraqis.

Whilst it is likely that some of these allegations have been exaggerated, I sincerely doubt that all have. But then again, that is simply my opinion, and each to their own.
1. 19-25
2. Male
3. Student (Univercity)
4. White
5. limitations on free speech, unlawful arrest and rendition flights, activities in Guantanamo Bay and more.
6. No,just to make us feel safe and a good way to control us
7. Disagree.Even if you manage to stop every hit,terrorism will remain untill all problems are solved.
8. a-b-c Bad,violation of basic rights !
9. Not entirely, I think there is more to it.
10. Yes (I think),who would become a terrorist for no reason ?
11. No !, a human life is worth more than any ideology, terrorism is murder.
12. I think it's a US military base somewhere in the Caribbean also used as a prison for "terrorist".I have seen photos of human rights violations on tv,some soldiers went to trial for that.
13. i
14. Don't know
Neith said:
The War on Terror necessitates a restriction of individual liberty


1.Age: 10 – 18
19 – 25
26 – 45
46 – 65
66 >

2.Are you:

3.Are you? Student Employed Part-Time
Employed Full-Time Retired

4.What ethnic group do you belong to:

Other (Please Specify)

5.What restrictions on individual liberty are you aware of regarding the war on terror?
For example, limitations on free speech, unlawful arrest and rendition flights, activities in Guantanamo Bay…

6.Do you believe that restrictions of individual liberty such as the suspected terrorist’s bill, rendition flights, ID cards (on UK Citizens) are necessary?


7.Do you think that this way is the only way to deal with terrorism?

8.What do you think of proposed government plans to tackle terrorism such as:
a.ID Cards.


b.Religious Hatred Law (will make it illegal to criticise another religion)


c.Terror Bill (suspected terrorists can be held for 90 days without trial. Another bans the glorification of terrorism in any way.)


9.Do you believe that the war on terror is genuine with regard to protecting and spreading democracy as the main reasons for it, including protecting those who are most at risk?


10.In your opinion, are there genuine reasons behind terrorist acts?


11.If yes, should these be taken into account when dealing with terrorists?

Don’t know
12.Are you aware of what Guantanamo Bay is?


13.If yes, how do you feel about the treatment of prisoners?

i) Unhappy about it, it is a restriction of individual liberty and a breach of human rights.

ii) Although it is a breach of human rights, it is still necessary to fight terrorism.

iii) They are terrorists (although some have been caught before committing a terrorist act), therefore they have given up there human rights when they committed a crime.

iv) I do not care either way.

14.If yes to question 12, do you think it should be closed down?

P.s. I know the layout is quite crap (the boxes don't work on here) as it wansn't designed for the internet, so apologies.

Also,Speed recommended that I start a new thread instead of adding this on to the existing Terrorism thread.

1 - 19-25

2 - Male

3- Employed full-time. Although I do study for a reasonable amount of that time.

4 - White

5 - Individual liberty has not stood for anything for many decades. The war on terror has only increased the frequency and strength of attacks upon it. Although, I am not entirely convinced individual liberty is the be all and end all.

6 - No. Far from necessary.

7 - No. Trying to kill a fly with a hammer is full-way retarded, attempting to stomp out terrorism in the way we are is equivalent. We need to stop interfering.

8 - Bad. I see absolutely no need for the police state to continue it steady march into our everyday lives.

9 - No. I think it's clear to almost any intelligent person that the war is based upon bullshit propaganda.

10 - Genuine in what respect? If you are asking if I can sympathise with the attacks then, No. If you mean genuine reasons as in for the better of their peoples, then no. If you mean genuine in the respect of misleading and brainwashing thousands then, yes.

11- Context is always important.

12 - Yes.

13 - None of the above.

14 - Other.
1) 10-18
2) male
3) student
4) white
5) guantanamo bay, though a lot probably happens there that we are not aware of
6) Yes
7) Agee
a) Good
b) bad
c) bad
9) no
10) Yes
12) Yes
13) Unhappy
14) Yes
Here it goes:

19 – 25




Personal data investigation - regardless my believes

Yes but currently wrong used


don't know but as in my country (Portugal), many countries constitution forbids a unique card ID

Bad - it must be granted me the right to criticize whatever i want. offending should not be permited though

Neither - "suspect" could mean a lot of things...

Other - democracy should not be the reason why. People should





Final_Product said:
10 - Genuine in what respect? If you are asking if I can sympathise with the attacks then, No. If you mean genuine reasons as in for the better of their peoples, then no. If you mean genuine in the respect of misleading and brainwashing thousands then, yes.

I mean genuine in the sense that they have been mistreated enough to warrant killing themselves and their comrades. In my opinion this is a genuine reason, whereas blowing people up all over the world because you do not like the fact that they are white is not a genuine reason.
Neith said:
I mean genuine in the sense that they have been mistreated enough to warrant killing themselves and their comrades. In my opinion this is a genuine reason, whereas blowing people up all over the world because you do not like the fact that they are white is not a genuine reason.

Well, those "genuine" reasons are based upon genuine reasons. Suicide bombers are often brain-washed, so their reasons may - as you say - be genuine, but the actual reason behind the attacks are never totally because of this.
Final_Product said:
Well, those "genuine" reasons are based upon genuine reasons. Suicide bombers are often brain-washed, so their reasons may - as you say - be genuine, but the actual reason behind the attacks are never totally because of this.

To be honest I think this depends on the context. There are too many reasons behind these attacks, and although I dare say that some of it is based upon a hatred for the West and not much reason behind the hate other than racism. But I also think that a lot of it stems from the actions of the West which were/are rarely based on anything remotely genuine with regard to the Middle East.

Yes a lot of suicide bombers are brain-washed, but then so are a whole lot of people that do more damage than a few suicide bombers.
Neith said:
To be honest I think this depends on the context. There are too many reasons behind these attacks, and although I dare say that some of it is based upon a hatred for the West and not much reason behind the hate other than racism. But I also think that a lot of it stems from the actions of the West which were/are rarely based on anything remotely genuine with regard to the Middle East.

Yes a lot of suicide bombers are brain-washed, but then so are a whole lot of people that do more damage than a few suicide bombers.

I'm not sure where you're coming from. You believe these people have genuine reasons for acts of terrorism?
I believe that they have been wronged too many times and so they feel that this is the only way that they can attempt change. In that respect then yes, I do believe that there are genuine reasons for terrorism. I do not advocate it, however. It is a difficult situation, and it is difficult to explain why I think this but if I can think of a way to articulate it better when I am not so tired I will try.
Neith said:
I believe that they have been wronged too many times and so they feel that this is the only way that they can attempt change. In that respect then yes, I do believe that there are genuine reasons for terrorism. I do not advocate it, however. It is a difficult situation, and it is difficult to explain why I think this but if I can think of a way to articulate it better when I am not so tired I will try.

I'm just not convinced that the genuine reasons you have named really exist.
Neith said:
The War on Terror necessitates a restriction of individual liberty


19 – 25 (20)

2.Are you:

3.Are you? Student Employed Part-Time

4.What ethnic group do you belong to:


5.What restrictions on individual liberty are you aware of regarding the war on terror?
For example, limitations on free speech, unlawful arrest and rendition flights, activities in Guantanamo Bay…

All of the above. Also general violations of privacy, which is a vaguely defined right.

6.Do you believe that restrictions of individual liberty such as the suspected terrorist’s bill, rendition flights, ID cards (on UK Citizens) are necessary?

No, but they don't particularly bother me.

7.Do you think that this way is the only way to deal with terrorism?

Disagree. These are mainly short term measures.

8.What do you think of proposed government plans to tackle terrorism such as:
a.ID Cards.

Good. I don't see the problem with ID cards. I prefer to have as much ID as possible.

b.Religious Hatred Law (will make it illegal to criticise another religion)

Bad. This is stupid.

c.Terror Bill (suspected terrorists can be held for 90 days without trial. Another bans the glorification of terrorism in any way.)


9.Do you believe that the war on terror is genuine with regard to protecting and spreading democracy as the main reasons for it, including protecting those who are most at risk?

Other. Somewhat true. I do believe that the US govt is generally concerned for the safety of Americans.

10.In your opinion, are there genuine reasons behind terrorist acts?


11.If yes, should these be taken into account when dealing with terrorists?


12.Are you aware of what Guantanamo Bay is?


13.If yes, how do you feel about the treatment of prisoners?

iii) They are terrorists (although some have been caught before committing a terrorist act), therefore they have given up there human rights when they committed a crime.


iv) I do not care either way.

14.If yes to question 12, do you think it should be closed down?

Ok I answered and then qualified my responses, if that helps.

Neith said:
The War on Terror necessitates a restriction of individual liberty


1.Age: 10 – 18
19 – 25
26 – 45
46 – 65
66 >


Neith said:
2.Are you:


Neith said:
3.Are you? Student Employed Part-Time
Employed Full-Time Retired

Full-Time student

Neith said:
4.What ethnic group do you belong to:

Other (Please Specify)

White (British)

Neith said:
5.What restrictions on individual liberty are you aware of regarding the war on terror?
For example, limitations on free speech, unlawful arrest and rendition flights, activities in Guantanamo Bay…

Removal of the right to protest outside the Houses of Parliament!
This seems the most gauling to me. Obviously there is a tacit denial of any kind of right to express sympahty with Terrorists.

Neith said:
6.Do you believe that restrictions of individual liberty such as the suspected terrorist’s bill, rendition flights, ID cards (on UK Citizens) are necessary?


Hahahaa of course not. ID cards are good case in point - even the former head of MI6 said that they won't help to combat terrorism. I think even the government has stopped claiming that that will help any more.

A society shows its strength by not being affected by threats!

Neith said:
7.Do you think that this way is the only way to deal with terrorism?

No, the only way to deal with terrorism is to deal with its roots. Closer police work with the Islamic communities at home and engagement with the Islamic world abroad.

Neith said:
8.What do you think of proposed government plans to tackle terrorism such as:
a.ID Cards.


Obviously they are bad. They will restrict liberties on the one hand, be a tax on anyone who wants a passport, and most significantly it will be compromised and the information stolen and put to work by crime bosses. The belief that they can succeed where the FBI and CIA have failed in creating a hack-proof system just shows the complete ignorance about electronic security in the home office.

Neith said:
b.Religious Hatred Law (will make it illegal to criticise another religion)


Bad, it will stifle debate. Most faith groups hate the idea (including Islamic groups). I dont know where the hell the proposal came from but it wasn't from the religious communities. I expect it to be quietly dropped and we wont hear any more of it ever again.

Neith said:
c.Terror Bill (suspected terrorists can be held for 90 days without trial. Another bans the glorification of terrorism in any way.)


Being able to hold suspects is ok, the powers should exist, the extent they are put to use is always the question. I mean the parliament technically has the ability to declaire martial law. Its good that powers like that exist on the event of a massive problem that caused law and order to break down. If it was used on a dailey basis I would be worried though!

Neith said:
9.Do you believe that the war on terror is genuine with regard to protecting and spreading democracy as the main reasons for it, including protecting those who are most at risk?


Are we still having the "war on terror"? I took it to be a soundbite by Bush that people took a shine to. I dont think such a thing exits outside of the media. Trying to stop terrorism by screwing up people's countries and pissing them off does seem counter-productive, however, I think the people that initiated both Afghanistan and Iraq had pretty noble intentions, there were just unforseen consequences.

Neith said:
10.In your opinion, are there genuine reasons behind terrorist acts?


Yeh they believe in what they do. The conclusion to kill lots of people is probably arrived at rationally too, its just based off screwey axioms...
So they are screwed up and wrong, but genuine...

Neith said:
11.If yes, should these be taken into account when dealing with terrorists?

Don’t know

I dont think you can reason with them to get them to change their fundamental worldview. Hopefully politicians will be farsighted enough to realise you need to stop people before they become terrorists. Once they are ready to blow themselves up, well then shoot them by all means they are loopy.

Neith said:
12.Are you aware of what Guantanamo Bay is?


Yeah isnt everyone??

Neith said:
13.If yes, how do you feel about the treatment of prisoners?

i) Unhappy about it, it is a restriction of individual liberty and a breach of human rights.

ii) Although it is a breach of human rights, it is still necessary to fight terrorism.

iii) They are terrorists (although some have been caught before committing a terrorist act), therefore they have given up there human rights when they committed a crime.

iv) I do not care either way.

Treating them badly is bad for PR. You cant pretend to be morally upstanding then treat prisoners badly.

Neith said:
14.If yes to question 12, do you think it should be closed down?

But it should be reformed. Closing it down totally would be an admission of guilt, and probably an overreaction. I dont think its silky white, but I dont think its a depraved hellhole like Abu Ghraib or anything like that.