Help with my mix?


Serial Riffer
Dec 28, 2008
Wattrelos, France
Well hello!
I'm a whole new member here, and I just signed up because I've got some troubles mixing my test song! I've read each Fuge86, Mart, jhrv and Zool2107 threads but couldn't find any solution to my problem.

Here's the stuff! (please forgive my lack of inspiration for the riffs :p)
Guitars are doubletracked and panned 80-80.

I just would like to get rid of the fuzz, it ruins everything!

I use Fuge86's preset on my Toneport with a LTD MH-400 guitar (EMG81 at the bridge, 85 at the neck), tried to put some EQ using a modified version of Splat88's CurveEQ preset on the guitars, Analoglux Tapebus, and Blockfish.

I use Broomstick Bass for the bass and added some Waves Maxxbass (medium preset), Blockfish and GlissEQ (with a Highpass at 63Hz, a Lowpass at 10K and a slight peak around 630Hz).

I use AD for the drums, with Fuge86's preset (egg), and some rverb and C1.

There also are a Rcomp, C4, L2 and GlissEQ on the master.

I feel like it's over mixed... I sounds realy loud, I just would like to find a way to get a more precise and powerful sound. I can give you each guitar, bass and drums track (already mixed or raw) and each preset I've made.

So thanks in advance, and don't be mistaken, I don't want to copy Fuge86 or Mark's sound, I just want to find a solid basis on which I could start doing my own mixing!
Jesus christ monkey balls!
Back of the compression!

It sounds like a wet fart when the kicks start slamming. ;)
Also the subdrops are a bit loud.

Other then that i think its pretty good.

Edit: Oh, and the guitar is out of tune in that clean part!
Jesus christ monkey balls!
Back of the compression!

It sounds like a wet fart when the kicks start slamming. ;)
Also the subdrops are a bit loud.

Other then that i think its pretty good.

Edit: Oh, and the guitar is out of tune in that clean part!

Ah ah, nice comparison!! :D
Yeah I know, I was just searching a way to find a realy loud and less fuzzy sound, dunno why I messed with the compression (maybe because I'm a mixing n00b XD)!
And I also know about the clean guitar but this song is just a test song. I just wanted it to contain some blast, some low br00talz parts :p and some clean.

holy shit! what some people do to make their mixes loud is insane, but this is insane²!

Yeah, I just discovered that there existed other EQ's and Compressors than Cubase's ones like a week ago XD
I'm still trying to master them all, which will take a while...
Kay, I'll fix it :)
And yet the guitar tone is what bugs me the most :s
I realy don't like it, too fuzzy!
Does anybody know how to get rid of the fuzz?

Filter out the frequency that creates the fuzz..
I got to say, i like that in your sound though.. the guitars sound mean and they are a good basis to work with, bass does the job, drums are there but thanks to too much compression they are being held down quite a bit (cymbals, kick)...
I would first go for a good sound without anything on the masterbuss and take it from there, cool riffs btw!
Filter out the frequency that creates the fuzz..
I got to say, i like that in your sound though.. the guitars sound mean and they are a good basis to work with, bass does the job, drums are there but thanks to too much compression they are being held down quite a bit (cymbals, kick)...
I would first go for a good sound without anything on the masterbuss and take it from there, cool riffs btw!

Thanks a lot! :)
I'll try as you say, and about the guitar tone, I guess it's a matter of taste.
I'll search for the frequency :p I don't realy know which one creates the fuzz.
Back with an "improved" version of my mix.
Please tell me what you think of it, what you think that must be changed.
Here's the thing.

Yeah the changes are kinda slight In my opinion :S
But now there's only a Q-Clone on the master, less compression on the drums and I used the presets found here (post by Zool2107) except for the C4 which, for no apparent reason, bugs the hell out on my copy of cubase.

I hope you'll find it better, I'm planning on recording a full song soon, I'll post it here instead of making another useless thread lol :p
Thanks in advance! :)