Help with my third mix


Feb 1, 2008
So, I've finally been able to make something a little more than just one riff, but I further need to learn how to fit these sounds together.

I really like the clean intro I did, but I am extremely unsatisfied with the distorted tones. I went through so many different sounds, EQing and impulses after making this, and it made me crazy, because I never hit that spot that I usually get after experimenting.

My playing is off here and there, and this is the first time I've actually edited my own drum parts, which may be off themselves.

What does this track need? I may try some more impulses to get a better distorted tone. What do you guys recommend?

UPDATE: Added parts and further mixing..

By the way, this is in Drop A (AADGBE) because I randomly decided to tune my guitar so and I really loved it. A friend of mine is saying that I couldn't find a good tone because it's tuned too low..
drums sound a little washed out, guitars need to be quad tracked, your editing sounds fine though
I use Studio Devil Amp Pro for the guitars. What I always do is use 4 guitar tracks, two of the exact same tone hard left and hard right, and then two others of the same tone half left and half right. I can usually get an awesome tone, but maybe it's just the tuning..
Something is wrong here. That sounds like two tracks centered. Go back and check everything.