Help with new video card!!!

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Ok, so I just got the new GeForce GTX 460 GS which has 2 6-pin power slots on the side, and it came with a molex split 4 pin to 6 pin adapter. I have a 570W power supply but only a single 6 pin coming from it. That goes into one of the slots on the card. Obviously I can connect one of the molex 4 pins to a female coming from the power supply and the other 6 pin to the card, but the other molex split connector which has an "E" attached to it...does it just stay unattached or should I attach it to another 4 pin coming from the power supply? I don't see any other free connectors coming from the power supply.

It works, obviously, as I'm typing this from my computer. But what do I do with the other 4 pin connector? (Actually the 4-pins are 3-pins in a 4-pin housing) Do I just leave it like it is or what?
The 6 pin PCIE connector is properly supposed to have 2 12v pins and 3 ground wires. Each of the Molex connectors should be plugged in to the PSU to provide this.

That being said, you can probably get away with using just one if your PSU puts out a lot of amperage on the 12v rails.
Thanks man! After a lot of troubleshooting, I ended up unhooking both my DVD drives and ran one of those cables to the other split, but no difference. I'm getting extremely long load times and even long boot up times as well. My PSU is 570 watts, also.

I ran Futurmark's benchmark test on it with just ONE of the cables connected and I was getting good FPS. I tried running Oblivion, Eve, and GTA IV but I'm getting horrendous FPS...the card's running like a 256mb card instead of a 1 gig. I'm thinking that this card possibly is defective.

Also, I'm getting a LOT of errors loading webpages. For example, when I load a page it will often load everything but the graphics until I hit reload. Something's definitely up with this card.

In any case on Tuesday I'm taking my entire system with the card to the place I bought it (and the place that actually built my system) and have them sort this out. I had a Geforce 512mb GTS card that ran circles around this one.
Either the hard has a problem or you connected it wrong , or you need a better motherboard ... my opinion is to take your pc to the store where you bought the card , I'm sure they will help you
Here's my system:

570 watt PCU
ASUS P5K-E mobo
3 gigs RAM
Geforce GTX 460 1 gig
Dual Core 3 gig processor
Win XP

I've tried all possible installation combinations with this card, even switched the 6 pin connectors around. The card won't work with just one 6 pin, so of course I have to use both. I've tried connecting one 4 pin molex and I've tried connecting both 4 pin molexes with the same result. If there were a power problem, it wouldn't even boot...but it does. This is the weirdest shit I've ever seen from nvidia, and it's not just me. Tons of people are having similar problems.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers but to no avail.

I'm taking it back and I'm going to let them look at my system as well as the card and make them install it. I've never seen such asspain from something as simple as installing a graphics card.