Help with Routing Steven Slate Drums Kontakt Player


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
For some reason, I can't figure out how to route each individual channel of the SSD Virtual Instrument inside of my DAW. I'm using Cubase 4. Generally, for a VST Instrument like Superior Drummer 2.0, I select the number and use of the output(s) in the Virtual Instrument section of Cubase 4. I load the Kontakt Player (I'm assuming the 16 out) because I want to have complete control over all the channels.

I could just be stupid, it happens. Anyone please?
I spent hours wasting my time with this. Don't even try. Seriously, just wait until they update it to the forthcoming Kontakt Player 3.x engine - Kontakt Player 2.x is awful, it will laugh at you while you toil away in misery.

If you MUST route it, use the 16 out version but skip the 5.1 channels (they won't obey pan laws properly and will do funky/phasey things to the sounds.) I've gotten this to work, applying different outs to different faders of Kontakt Player - but it's really a massive pain and I've resigned to just use some parallel comp with the stereo Kontakt Player until the new version of SSD comes out.

It sounds great actually, check out the "Fixated" clip on the Recabinet Media page - the drums are literally just the cracky metal kit from SSD 3.0 run in stereo mode, with an FX channel in Cubase 5 blending in a little bit of UAD 1176LN compression ("all buttons" mode of course) to taste.
I spent hours wasting my time with this. Don't even try. Seriously, just wait until they update it to the forthcoming Kontakt Player 3.x engine - Kontakt Player 2.x is awful, it will laugh at you while you toil away in misery.

If you MUST route it, use the 16 out version but skip the 5.1 channels (they won't obey pan laws properly and will do funky/phasey things to the sounds.) I've gotten this to work, applying different outs to different faders of Kontakt Player - but it's really a massive pain and I've resigned to just use some parallel comp with the stereo Kontakt Player until the new version of SSD comes out.

It sounds great actually, check out the "Fixated" clip on the Recabinet Media page - the drums are literally just the cracky metal kit from SSD 3.0 run in stereo mode, with an FX channel in Cubase 5 blending in a little bit of UAD 1176LN compression ("all buttons" mode of course) to taste.

:lol: I didn't think it was just me... It seemed very counter-intuitive in the routing section. I couldn't simply get stereo outs from each channel which didn't make sense. Very few people mix in 5.1 anyhowwwwws.

I was gonna PM Slate himself, but maybe he'll chime in here.
how about doing this in reaper?

i know that with addictive drums it's a bit strange (at first) to route the individual outs into the DAW, but all in all the reaper routing matrix is one of it's strongest points - there must be a way of getting SSD / kontakt player to work properly in reaper?
For some reason, I can't figure out how to route each individual channel of the SSD Virtual Instrument inside of my DAW. I'm using Cubase 4. Generally, for a VST Instrument like Superior Drummer 2.0, I select the number and use of the output(s) in the Virtual Instrument section of Cubase 4. I load the Kontakt Player (I'm assuming the 16 out) because I want to have complete control over all the channels.

I could just be stupid, it happens. Anyone please?

What u need to do is enable multi output from ur VST instrument window (F11) and it will automatically route the drums tracks into Cubase.

Click on the icon at the extreme right next to the 'e' button. Activate all Outputs.
Load that 16 outs Kontakt and then when you press F11 there is a knob "activate multiple outputs" you might never saw. Atleast I never saw this knob ;)

edit: Fuck, nitsuj was a minute faster ;)
any tips for logic?????
but I´m so waiting for the new version, man this kontakt player is slow!!!! it takes up to a minute to start loading the samples???? I´m using a mac and logic and a friend of mine has the same problem with protools...
What u need to do is enable multi output from ur VST instrument window (F11) and it will automatically route the drums tracks into Cubase.

Click on the icon at the extreme right next to the 'e' button. Activate all Outputs.

I know this already. It doesn't route them properly, but only through the two stereo outs. I didn't see this when I first got Cubase 4, but that was a while ago :heh:
In Logic 8, it's just a matter of hitting the "+" button after opening Slate as a VST, but it only works if you select...god damnit what was it. Multi-track something or another. Works pretty effortlessly here, and is even sweeter with the hyper editor!

In Cubase SX3, i simply load the instrument, choose the STEREO KONTAKT PLAYER, load the "Multi Out" kit, and Cubase AUTOMATICALLY sets up the outputs. Then I go into the player and go to OUTPUTS, and I hit the config buttons and route the drums to the cubase faders that cubase just made. How easy is that?

3.5 will have video tutorials on discrete outputting on all workstations.
What about if you want to use Kontakt 3? Is there a way to multi out SSD with it?