Help with shit drum brain.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Can't get the fucking crosstalk set right, as well as the pads themeselves.

Here is the problem: Drumsrolls: alot of notes do not sound. As well as if you hit a Tom hard it will likely trigger the snare also.

I have to settings to try to unfuck this: Self Rejection, and Rejestion

Self rejection is the drums own rejection to double triggers and Rejection is to other drums triggering that pad.

This really is at the current time a nightmare. The drum brain is a piece of shit, but I figured it would at least trigger midi acepptably.
What brain is it, and what are the trigs?

If the answer contains the words Hart or Pintech ...well that's one problem right there.
When I put together my v-drum rig, I tried going cheap with Pintech pads.
Triggering success rate was about 90% 1 out of 10 hits wouldn't trigger - totally unacceptable.

Hart aren't that much better.

Roland pads - never missed a trigger with them.
Dual zone PD7's and PD-9's for everything except the kick.
I use a single zone PD-5 flipped vertical for the dual kick.

Brain is a TD-7
FD-7 hat controller
VisuLite cymbals
I have pretty much made up my mind that if i go back to the store and there display set has the same issues that I am returning the set and telling the store about it's shittyness (it's a small store so they actually listen).

Hopefully they have there set setup right cause right now I am at a loss. This shit is unplayable.
So after more dicking around I got it so it triggers acceptably out of the module. However midi is still a nightmare. I am done fucking with it, taking it back on monday.

So new question: is this worth it: eBay: NEW ALESIS DM5 DIGITAL DRUM module w DdRUM TRIGGER SET (item 200053629055 end time Dec-10-06 05:32:23 PST)

Or should I just bite the bullet and get a firepod and some mics. This leaves me without a set but I still have a cheapo trigger system that worked in the past (I just didn't want to be limited to that with bands).