Help With Sweeps


New Metal Member
Nov 21, 2003
hellow everyone i am new here i just wanna ask some fellow guitar players some questions and ask for some tips first off ive been playing guitar for abot 4 years i am always very concerened about my guitar playing and shit i wanna learn sweeps but i dont know where to start i can play some simple 5 strings ok but i dunno if my technique is correct but i find it hard to do the sweeps with pull offs and hammwerons i juts wanna know if any of u guys have any tips for me to play better or what kinda video or book i can get to gelp me out thanx

let the metal flow
Well, I don't know if I can help you with sweeps, but I can help you with grammar. Learn to use periods, they are your friends!

Anyways, you should try the John Petrucci video(rock discipline?). He does a section on sweep picking technique and shows some exercises.
ok here is how...
First of all remember :

when playing two notes in one string do the alternate picking and when "sweeping" one note per string.. just keep "picking" up or down.


STEP 1: You can build a diagram with all the notes of the triad, and all the triads of the Major Scale.... (to bagin just do this on two strings: first and second)

Let´s say C Major, that´ll be:

C Major Triad
D minor triad
E minor triad
F major triad
Gmajor triad
A minor triad
B dim triad
(and so on)

STEP 2:With a metronome start playing this very slowly(and remember the tecquine tip I gave, pay your Most attention to this) then you ca gradually speed up.

OK-- You have just started... Then you can "add" another string (only one note in this string) so there wouldn´t be triad, but short "sweeps" BUT IMPORTANT keep including JUST TRIADS NOTES (from the triads I have just mentioned)
Repeat STEP 2

Ok... after finishing you 6 string sweeps you can start including 7th, 4th, 9th, what ever you wish.. Just remberber the first tip and never forget to start slowly with a metronome paying attention to your tecnique.

Also remember sweeps are based on triad, which also are the base of chord,... sweeps are chords displayed one note per string.. So you can reproduce ANY scale, ANY chord, Any harmony...Just keep this mechanism and you will succeed.. ONLY YOUR MIND IS YOUR LIMITATION!!!

PS: hope my explanation was clear,.. PM me if you have any doubts
Isolate the problem. If you know hammers and pull-offs in your sweeps are the issue, then reduce the sweeping down to a minimum to focus on the problem. eg. Just do a 2-string sweep with a hammer/pull-off pair, 4 notes, repeated. Work on that, starting slow, until it sounds clean. Then add another string below that for a 6-note sweep, and so on. Aim to play the sweeps slowly, ensuring that no two notes ring at the same time, and that all the notes are even and in time. (It amazes me how many learning guitarists have no real sense of rhythm!) When it sounds perfect, you speed up a little and try again.