

Nov 15, 2002
San Diego
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Was wondering if you guys and girls would mind listing your Best of 2004 (so far) releases that are must haves??? I've been way out of touch the last 7-8 months, in fact the only things I've picked up this year have been Tempo of the Damned and Shadows Fall...The War Within. Let me know what has already come out that I should get, as well as some eagerly awaited releases yet to come (TestAmenT, obviously...) that you're looking forward to. I appreciate your time and opinions. To help out, here are some of my fave bands: ARCH ENEMY, DIMENSION ZERO, KALMAH, CORP. 187, DARK TRANQUILITY, DARKANE, EXODUS, HAMMERFALL, EDGUY, TERROR 2000, OVERKILL, ANNIHILATOR, METAL CHURCH, DREAM THEATER, THE DEFACED, old SOILWORK and IN FLAMES, CoB, CATHEDRAL, NEVERMORE, NIGHTRAGE, and on and on...
did you heard bout new Death Angel? Its quite nice (its not 'must have', but its a good piece of thrash - and its good to know that they're back!)
You like album 'The Gathering'? if yes I sugest to buy Susperia - 'Unlimited'... great shit!
New Kreator's comeing soon - at the begining of January (11th I guess) - stay tooned for this...
For new TestAmenT we have to wait a bit longer...
Im afraid thats all I can sugest...
yes, i actually heard that DA put a new one out...haven't heard it yet, but want to. thanks for the susperia sugg...i'll try to check them out. just picked up the new megadeth...not too bad, dave solos all over the place on this cd. A couple of weak songs but overall a solid swansong effort. what's with the british(?) accent during the Lords Prayer? Why didn't Mustaine just do it himself? Anyway, if you're a fan go get it. Not great, but good.
Well I've heard new Megadeth, but I don't think its good... some of them are nice (Kick The Chair and Universe or sth like that), but... I don't know, I needed much time to get used to those two, after that I though I will like whole album, but guess not... So I like only 2 track, and even not very much... Maybe someday I will love it but surely not now ;)
new DA and new Susperia are a must!!!
check also new Vader - they went into thrash more than death this time and it tourned out to be a very good record
new Dream Theater (2004 if i am correct or maybe it was 2003? hhmmmm) - Train of Thoughts - very good record

new Magadeth - ok - much better than Dave's previous efforts but still i would like to hear sth more aggressive from him