helpless asian man attacked and jumped by 7 others behind school

Looks to be the pretty typical g@#!lla/%p!/!@#$key gang banger mentality. Dad took off or is in prison because he is a piece of shit as well, Mom works 50 hours a week, big brother is in a gang so I should be as well mentality. The ol, get some or die trying retarded garbage waste of human species.

Have I made it clear what I think of gangs and gang members? Bunch of dildo fucking pussies that would get the living shit kicked out of them if they ever had the balls to do a one on one fight but instead rely on a gun or their "crew" because in reality they are just a bunch of weak ass idiot pussies.

He shoulda poked one of their eyes out..

Thats how I feel, should have done everything he could to at least rip the balls off one of them. Unfortunately, the truth is they would have most likely killed him if he had. Biding his time for an escape was probably the best thing to do.
this happened about 15-20 miles where i live. anybody from chicago can tell you bridgeport isnt a terrible area. it shouldnt reflect on chicago or america. these are just some dumb fuckin kids who deserve to be in jail for a while.