
Originally posted by EagleFlyFree
he's that blonde superhuman sphinx 3mts high... he's with Spinefarm i think, he was a roadie for Nightwish when they came to Buenos Aires


Yep, it's him. He's the real Big Yetti, heh.

He was CoB, Sonata Arctica and Nightwish roadie, manager, and yes, work for Spinefarm, or is Spinefarm boss, I dunno, whatever.
Ewo is the guy on the left.

Better pic:
Originally posted by Kuvasz

Yep, it's him. He's the real Big Yetti, heh.

WTF?? what makes him more yetti than me? im taller and whiter.

hey henkka, you shoud read tut's version of the bodom murders.
Janne's keyboard, the one that was delivered him (cos it says in the
rider that the local venue has to deliver certain keyboard) was totally broken, it's bender was not working and sound changer was somehow
slow. He could n't play the solos, cos there is lot these bending things
that are really important to get the right notes...
we tried to fix it before the show, but we couldn't. He was so pissed
off that he threw it down...
There was no more songs we could have done with that kind of keyboard that don't change sounds properly and doesn't have a bender.
It was sad..next day they managed to deliver a proper one luckily...
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That was a shame...

Henkka, I hope you don't have a bad image of Curitiba.

The Studio 1250 people are fucking dumb and some other bands have complained too.

If you play in Curitiba again, I guess you will play at Moinho São Roque. It's much better, and so is the crew there.