why doesnt henkka have a solo too?? everyone in there has!

Bass intros to songs work beter in my opinion.

True, and they also solve the problem of half the audience getting bored during a solo.
I generally hate live solos that go on for more than a minute and a half. About the only people who are interested after that point are other musicians anyways. Strangely enough, I don't mind solos on a recording but I get bored with them live.
i don't see where it would fit in the music honestly
some bands it works really well like seventh wonder or obscura, but in those bands the bass has a big part in the mix and cob, honestly not so much

Mastodon's bass is really high in the mix but they never have bass solos :(
but I guess the bass pretty much follows the leads anyway :lol:
You honestly think that would sound good? Why don't Alexi have a solo with his vocals? Like whistle a solo or something? Just about as gay.
I like Henkka's attitude. Bodom song with a bass solo would be little bit wierd, but if Jaska has a solo, i don't see why Henkka couldn't join him and do a duet with him, that would be cool.