LA show was insane


Mar 9, 2004
Alright, this was my first time seeing Children of Bodom.
The show was everything I hoped it would be. They really are flawless...
wow...I was particularly amazed when in Downfall right before the solo part, Alexi did the spin the guitar around the neck trick, caught it, and blasted straight into the solo.
They played:
Hate Me
Angels Don't Kill
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Needled 24/7

Unfortunately, the whole show had been delayed for two hours, so everyone sat around and waited in line. While in line I watched the guys sitting around in the outside lounge area of the bar and jamming on their guitars. I yelled "Perkele" at Alexi, but he either didn't hear or didn't feel like turning around.

At the end of the show, the Iced Earth guys came out and dumped beers in the mouths of the band. And Janne threw his keyboards on the ground in a triumphant manner after the last song. Jaska threw out alot of drumsticks at the end. But I wasn't close enough to get any. Roope played his Jackson for some songs which was cool.

One strange thing was...during one of the songs some chick with a devil's horns mask came on stage for like 30 seconds....then Alexi after the song was like: "I just want you guys to know that we don't have anything to do with this kind of fucked up bullshit"

All in all...I was blown away. It was a great show. The crowd was really loud and everyone loved the show. I had to leave after Bodom though, so I can't say how Iced Earth did. Evergrey was pretty cool, but they were turned up a little to loud I thought. It was scratchy.
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bobvex said:
2 threads about the same show? post in yoru other thread. . :p

I didn't think people would be as prone to see it in the other thread as they would in a thread of its own. It doesn't really matter though.
Glad you had a good correction though...first those horns were mine...before the show the guitarrist for Iced Earth asked me if he could borrow them to play a prank on Alexi (so it was definately not a chik you saw...hahahahaha!) he got my horns in the middle of the show and I had no idea what he was gonna do...almost expired from laughter right there. :D
Pabla said:
Glad you had a good correction though...first those horns were mine...before the show the guitarrist for Iced Earth asked me if he could borrow them to play a prank on Alexi (so it was definately not a chik you saw...hahahahaha!) he got my horns in the middle of the show and I had no idea what he was gonna do...almost expired from laughter right there. :D

I thought it was a girl, because I had read before I went that you said you were going to wear them. Either way, how did you know the guys? You were backstage?
Thanatopsis said:
I thought it was a girl, because I had read before I went that you said you were going to wear them. Either way, how did you know the guys? You were backstage? was the guitarrist from IE...
Well, to tell you the truth I did not know the guys, and ever since I've been going to concerts I've never had a backstage pass...but always seem to end up backstage :) it's just being nice and friendly and just talking to people that gets you there **shrugs**
@Thanatopsis - That wasn't the Iced Earth guys that came out with the shots for COB, that was the guys from Evergrey. Tom (singer) gave one to Alexi, Michael (bass) gave one to Henka. In other words, whomever was drummer, guitarist, etc of Evergrey gave the shots to the drummer, guitarist, etc of COB. I only got pics of Henkka w/ Michael and a semi-ok one of Tom w/ Alexi. They had closed down the barricade, so I was shooting from the edge only.
Squeak said:
@Thanatopsis - That wasn't the Iced Earth guys that came out with the shots for COB, that was the guys from Evergrey. Tom (singer) gave one to Alexi, Michael (bass) gave one to Henka. In other words, whomever was drummer, guitarist, etc of Evergrey gave the shots to the drummer, guitarist, etc of COB. I only got pics of Henkka w/ Michael and a semi-ok one of Tom w/ Alexi. They had closed down the barricade, so I was shooting from the edge only.

Cool, thanks