Henrik Main fights boredom while at school

lizard said:
Crimson Velvet, can you help Henrik Main with his grades?:loco: :Spin: :erk: :rock:

(just a joke, for all I know he could be headed to be a nuclear physicist)

does kirkeparken mean Church Park?

Hehe, it does indeed. As for his help, I guess I don't really need it, to be frank :p I'm blessed with a very good memory and an interest and talent for writing, so my grades aren't the biggest problem, to put it that way. When my sister graduated in 2000, she was the third best graduating pupil in Norway that year with regard to grades (23 A's and 3 B's - only we operate with numbers instead of letters, so A=6 and B=5. Also, to get an A, you have to get 100% score in pretty much all tests. She didn't even work THAT hard.)
Henrik Main said:
Hehe, it does indeed. As for his help, I guess I don't really need it, to be frank :p I'm blessed with a very good memory and an interest and talent for writing, so my grades aren't the biggest problem, to put it that way. When my sister graduated in 2000, she was the third best graduating pupil in Norway that year with regard to grades (23 A's and 3 B's - only we operate with numbers instead of letters, so A=6 and B=5. Also, to get an A, you have to get 100% score in pretty much all tests. She didn't even work THAT hard.)
cool about your grades. I have a learning disability but to be completely honest, I really didn't work too hard in school, and college was a giant party. I did get my degree though.

Kirke is very similar to the german "kirche"
But you gotta admit, Hoppern Skole isn't exactly all grim and frostbitten either. :)

And to me, the whole russ thing is just an excuse to get drunk on weekdays. That youth these days needs an excuse to do that is just sad...

Og jeg jobber på Abildsø, og av og til som vikar på Ulsrud. Abildsø er bare barne- og ungdomsskole, mens Ulsrud er videregående. Og Hauketo? Takk og lov, nei! Intet vondt ment, selvsagt. :)
@ lizard: The grades are more for personal prestige than anything else. As long as you get the degree you want, all is good, I guess.

@ Crimson Velvet: Haha, I agree. 'tis a very silly name. Do you blast black metal in class? It'd be mighty cool to have a music teacher who's into Immortal and the likes. Which subjects do you teach?
My first time around, I flunked three classes because I never showed up for class. And now I have a degree in English, ped, and I'm almost a certified elictrician, and I completed teachers university (høyskole). Never at the top of the class, though... Just follow through and it doesn't really matter of you get an average of B's or C's.

EDIT: I teach english, norwegian, history, KRL (although it seems like that'll disappear oon) and gymnasthics. When I first started teaching, I was actually told not to expose my pupils to metal music too much, as some seemed to find it offensive. In later years, though, they don't differentiate between metal music and everything else. None of my pupils are into anything heavier than Linkin Park and Slipknot, though. :( But I do my best!
Metal teachers are über-metal!

lizard, I measured in Political Science too! Hooray for earning a degree via yelling and reading and writing shit I would've done for fun anyhow!

EDIT: hahahahaha measured. I'm keeping that because it's nowhere near "majored."
One Inch Man said:
lizard, I measured in Political Science too! Hooray for earning a degree via yelling and reading and writing shit I would've done for fun anyhow!
there you go. History = stories, political science = the philosophies which motivated the stories. plus you can wear mao tse tung buttons and shit and people just figure its part of the package.
hey Nad I had to sit up at the receptionist's desk today when she went to lunch but when my boss found out he send me back to my cubicle. He tried to claim its because I was wearing my U-505 shirt but I know its because of my aversion to haircuts.
I loved the poli sci department at my school because the main foci were philosophy and beer. Seriously, one of the professors had a liquor license for the specific purpose of providing staff and students with ale for every event. There was ALWAYS Sam Adams available of course. :)
Henrik Main said:
Hehe, it does indeed. As for his help, I guess I don't really need it, to be frank :p I'm blessed with a very good memory and an interest and talent for writing, so my grades aren't the biggest problem, to put it that way. When my sister graduated in 2000, she was the third best graduating pupil in Norway that year with regard to grades (23 A's and 3 B's - only we operate with numbers instead of letters, so A=6 and B=5. Also, to get an A, you have to get 100% score in pretty much all tests. She didn't even work THAT hard.)
Does she like metal, and even more importantly? Is she single?
She's taken, does not like metal, is 23 and semi-hot, I suppose.

@Crimson Velvet: That's pretty sad, your pupils, I mean. I thought most nu-metal kids nowadays at least were into Dimmu and Satyricon, who are nice gateways into heavier landscapes :erk:

And Erik/Mikke's music teacher ROCKS. My music teacher was a young, male theolog :\