here are a few reasons why i am kind of lame


Aug 2, 2002
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1- i am excited to go shopping for decorations for my friend's surprise birthday party in mass. this weekend. so excited in fact that i did a little dance before.

2- i spent most of sunday making a bracelet and then lost it this morning.

3- i thought i forgot my glasses today, but they were sitting next to my keyboard with a note that said 'dont forget to wear your glasses', and i never wore them today.
oh, actually.... include this also: verizon just sent me an email saying they aren't hooking up my dsl tonight, but rather, it wont be ready until october 1st, and i just sort of sighed and let it slide....
ugh, you were kind to verizon? that IS lame! i just switched my phone service away from those bastards. when my neighbours moved in sept.1 they accidentally cut my phone lines and turned them into theirs, so I didnt have phone for like 4 days. grr.
Originally posted by the_preppy
oh, actually.... include this also: verizon just sent me an email saying they aren't hooking up my dsl tonight, but rather, it wont be ready until october 1st, and i just sort of sighed and let it slide....

ironically, I have my verizon DSL turned on, but no grounded telephone line to plug my shiny modem into! we should trade.
ok so i called verizon again this morning and i told the dude, I WANT SOME KINDA DISCOUNT FOR WAITING SO LONG and he said okay, my first month is free.

verizon dsl has fucked kate and i over so many times. they keep pushing back the start date and giving us extra months free. but then they cancel it, and we call back and complain, and then it gets pushed back again etc etc.

so now we are just going with earthlink.
how much is earth link? i may just do that if they push the date back again! i mean, it's not like we didnt have verizon dsl in our apartment already, so it's not like they dont do service here. i'm soooo frustrated!
yeah, i know they have service in my neighborhood but apparently they don't have the capabilities for new people just yet or some bullshit. i'm like, yeah thanks for soliciting me like 827892798272 times on the phone and then when i give it, tell me no.

earthlink is the same deal: $39.95, first month free, modem free. but instead of verizon's whole $29.99 for the first two months thing, earthlink goes to regular price right away. i figure $20 is not so bad to NOT patronize horrible verizon.
i already cancelled verizon long distance and went with working assets.... so maybe i'll do that. i will call verizon today and start threatening...
me and kate love us some free ben and jerry's. we actually got some last night!

me, her, jesse and alison did a supermarket sweep.
my last episode at the store consisted of buying one vitamin water and 8 slices of bread without yeast. i was all like SCORE!
Do trips to the liquor store count?
Being from MA/CT, I think of a trip ot the liquor store as something that's only permissable on four days out of the week, between the hours of three and six pm, and only then if you promise to pray for temperence when you get home. So no, I don't think it bears any resemblence to a grocery store trip.