Here comes the PAIN!


Mar 25, 2004
What in your life have been your most painful moments?? And no you can't include missing that special Anthrax gig or finding Danny Spitz doing your mom to a metronome.
This is the physical stuff...
I had my left elbow shattered into little fragments while dropping to a concrete floor with all my body weight.
My left wrist completely rearranged from angling a ladder wrong when I was young and oh so stupid. My wrist looked like this _-_ instead of this ___ afterwards.
Had my right hand cleverly stertched all the way back to my elbow in a car accident. Resulting in another break of the wrist. The doctors didn't know it was broken because it was a hairline fracture and apparently they take ten days after to show up on x-ray. Needless to say I wondered why I still had pains in that wrist while benching 110 kilo's 8 months after it was originally broken. I thought it was just a slight tear of muscle or something that just needed to heal with time. HAHA. hank God my martial arts teacher rebroke it wthout knowing and the there were actual symptoms that were unbearable. I got to the doc and he said that if I had left it any longer I would have had necrosis of the hand becasue there wasn't correct blood supply.
Oh yeah, my sensai helped me dislocate my knee as well. My knee hasn't been the same since. Fucking pain!! :ill:

Go on, I'm sure you've got better than me....
What? Not enough music in it for you?? I thought it would've been interesting to have heard each's stories that's all...
Maybe you can tell us the one about how you got your fingers stuck in your ass while masturbating.
Goddammit all to hell! I typed up a nice long post. Unfortunately, when I was typing my NP, I did something that erased it all. As a result, I am not going to redo it. Not now, anyway. Maybe later. Dammit!


NP: Megadeth - Rust in Peace
aye hairy muff whatever. why diss Dan. What has he ever done to piss you off apart from play on some of anthrax's best records?????????

I love Dan's playing and actually think he was the greatest lead guitarist the band ever had. He wrote the most musical solo's compared to the solos today. Instead of filling up space in a song like the other Thrax lead players, Dan invigorated the song with more melody and texture!!
It's just that Dan likes time and metronomes are on the button for that man. Don't get me wrong, Dan kills, that's why Anthrax were in guitar mags in the past.
I still think the most musical leads I've ever heard are on the Black album. Just my opinion.
Keep rockin'!! :)
By the way Cunt and Dick there was a thread in the past on this board about moshing there you go!!! HAHAA
i broke my wrist while Mountain bike riding
Also __-__ when should of been ____

the only real injuries i've had from Mosh pits are a real sore head/neck the next morning & three brused ribs after Slayer :rock: :rock:
Lordlindsey and Grunt and Click show some respect for this dude. Hey, the notman for your info:
I was at this club and I didn't see, but there were apparently a whole bunch of guys who used to be against me and my mates at school that night. I think they were pals with the bouncer because when I was left there on my own with my girlfriend after my friends left(We were at the pool tables at the back.) The bouncer closed the doors made sure nobody was around except those guys.
They walked to the pool tables where we were and I thought to myself OH FUCK!!
I knew straight away who they were and two of them grabbed my girlfriend while she was screaming like hell. The other three pulled out this little wooden baseball bat and held me down.
I really thought that maybe I was going to die. It was weird. They clobbered me a little with their fists all over me, then the one guy Brett grabbed the baseball bat and broke my right leg to pieces. It as pretty bad pain when they were hitting me with their fists of course but after the first hit of the baseball bat I kinda felt numb. The guy hit me over and over again on my femur. And I threw up on myself in actual shock, the feeling of shock was way worse than the pain. Lights flashing everywhere and all this shit. Yeah that was pretty painful!!!!
Then once those cunts had their fun the bouncer guy picked me up by the feet and literally dragged me out the club.

My girlfriend has still loved me ever since and I managed to put huge fines on all of 'em. They weren't the brightest kids in High School!!
Today I have huge poles in my right leg and by about 40 I'll be having problems with it.
So there you go. :)