Heres a remix of one of my band's songs...


Mathew Cohen
The guitars are very scooped, so it's a bit hard to make out details in the guitar playing. I don't like the vocals at all. she sings out of tune, and sounds very annoying. Make her stop... please.
Could not listen to more than 90secs of that, due to singer annoying the hell out of me, sorry!

Same here, unfortunately. You should re-record those vocals in any case, sometimes it´s really way out of tune and hurting in a way.
If there ain´t a way to record it better try Melodyne or Autotune, but please don´t leave it this way.
I didn't mind the "out-of-tune-ness" much. Could be called "emo".

I had more of a problem with her extreme lack of melody. The verses sometimes sounded like rap, just sung by a female ... always on the same note. And as if she is about to fall asleep any minute ...
Its cool... I know this isnt the choice sound/genre around here... just thought that I could get some thoughts on the mix versus the old one...

Like i said in the first post, I'm going to retrack the guitars (originally hd147) with my jsx and a triple recto... and our singer wants to retrack all the vocals anyway...

Thanks for the "Make it stop" comments though. funny stuff.
i opened the song expecting the vocals to be horrible. i think the problem is really the guitars: it's so hard to discern their pitch, that it screws with the relationship between them and the vocals. I think if you strengthen the chord progression underneath the vocals, and maybe took a less chugga-chugga approach it would work much better. the vocals were alittle off in little parts, but it's really not that bad. Wheres the bass guitar? i think it should really be supporting the chords/melody.
i opened the song expecting the vocals to be horrible. i think the problem is really the guitars: it's so hard to discern their pitch, that it screws with the relationship between them and the vocals. I think if you strengthen the chord progression underneath the vocals, and maybe took a less chugga-chugga approach it would work much better. the vocals were alittle off in little parts, but it's really not that bad. Wheres the bass guitar? i think it should really be supporting the chords/melody.

Yeah, I was pretty sleepy when I mixed it last night... I'll have another listen to it in a bit... It sounded light-years better than the original, in my opinion... I'm also going to re-record the guitars (at least the rhythm, as I dont play lead)...

I'll post another mix tonight.
This is an improvement on the first mix. I think you've mixed her a little loud though. I'll post my mix when I can get to my external HD this weekend. I really like what you've done with the solo/vox at 2:30, that is where the vocals should be for this song, IMHO.
I hear promise in the vox it just doesn't match the music for me.

Yeah, the newer stuff is... uhm... its better...

But yeah I dig it man, the guitars need more definition, I have no ideas as to how you would achieve this but yeah they just sound percussive to me (no discernable notes).

and... the guitars are really only playing like 7 different chords in the whole song... the point was to make the sound very percussive... at least I think it was... I wrote it...

3 chords in the chorus... open chugging in the verse...

appreciate the feedback, though.
That snare has some wierd ambience on it man, really wierd, care to upload the re-recorded guitars? That was the only thing I could never get to sit right on the original mix.

Edit: Could you also re-record that bass, or give me a tab so i can do a ghetto bass version, because that noise makes it so hard to do anything with it.
I like the guitar sound in both versions actually. Although the new one is better. I really love 5150's! I can't wait till I get one which will hopefully be in a few months. Anyways after hearing the comments I was expecting it to be really bad but I like it. The vocals arn't bad at all. I'm interested to hear them after they are re recorded. I like percussive style guitar playing like this. Good job. I like your guitar sounds.
Somethin sounds funny with the flaming. I don't know what your using for replacements but sometimes drumagog or soundreplacer will flam with the original snare..always check after you print. and it is a bitch...

Also seems like some of the instruments are fighting in the lowmids...might want to check that out.
That snare has some wierd ambience on it man, really wierd, care to upload the re-recorded guitars? That was the only thing I could never get to sit right on the original mix.

Edit: Could you also re-record that bass, or give me a tab so i can do a ghetto bass version, because that noise makes it so hard to do anything with it.

I know... the original snare track sucked and I dont like any of the samples I have... I can re-record the bass (DI) in the next week or so if you really want it...

I like the guitar sound in both versions actually. Although the new one is better. I really love 5150's! I can't wait till I get one which will hopefully be in a few months. Anyways after hearing the comments I was expecting it to be really bad but I like it. The vocals arn't bad at all. I'm interested to hear them after they are re recorded. I like percussive style guitar playing like this. Good job. I like your guitar sounds.

Thanks. Thanks. and Thanks. :) Theres a lot of development going on with our songwriting, so... this being one of the earlier tracks... and not having a second guitarist for the duration of writing our first album, the songs are kind of simple... our newer stuff, oh man! Sweep picking, epic songs... its gonna be great stuff...

Somethin sounds funny with the flaming. I don't know what your using for replacements but sometimes drumagog or soundreplacer will flam with the original snare..always check after you print. and it is a bitch...

Also seems like some of the instruments are fighting in the lowmids...might want to check that out.

I'll check those... I know the snare sounds a bit funny... I'm still fighting for a decent sound cause the original snare sounds like popcorn... :erk:

as far as the low mids... I'll check into it... I know its probably not the guitars, got a c4 on the low mids... I'll check and see what it could be...
The vocalist has potential I'm sure, and she will probably sound a lot better in the future if she keep it up.

I must say the beginning of the solo is mindfucking! The guy playing the guitar does exactly the opposite of what everyone else would do. I'm talking about those abrubt endings on the cymbal choke. I like that! :)

Otherwise I think the guy in the back growling should do the job instead!
The vocalist has potential I'm sure, and she will probably sound a lot better in the future if she keep it up.

I must say the beginning of the solo is mindfucking! The guy playing the guitar does exactly the opposite of what everyone else would do. I'm talking about those abrubt endings on the cymbal choke. I like that! :)

Otherwise I think the guy in the back growling should do the job instead!

That guy is me... and yeah, our other guitarist is pretty good... not great, but really innovative with solos...

also, I keep saying this... we were rushed to get the vocals done because it took forever tracking the bassist... cause he was horrible... we went through 5 days of tracking for 9 songs... then in about 4 hours, I re-tracked all his parts... he still doesnt know to this day...