Here's a song for the extreme metal fan

I think it's simply great, especially guitars/drums/vocals... what samples did you used? maybe the bass could be a little bit "out" in the mix... but the entire song sounds very professional :D grat work bro
Simon_Empyrios said:
I think it's simply great, especially guitars/drums/vocals... what samples did you used? maybe the bass could be a little bit "out" in the mix... but the entire song sounds very professional :D grat work bro

The kick is 5 Minutes Alone (imagine that), the snare is taken from Soilwork's Machinegun Majesty. They cymbals are recorded from my buddies kit. Mostly Sabiens'. Toms are from the same kit.

I'm glad it sounds professional. Funny thing is, I wrote the song, lyrics and everything else...then recorded and mixed the whole thing by myself. The entire project took about an hour and a half. I literally "threw" this one together because a buddy requested an older "grindcore" style song. So this song is what he got. I love home recording.
yeah.... I know what you mean! :D I love recording too.... anyway, I was wrong the bass is perfect! :D
I think the best performances arrive in the first take, with fresh mind! :D

P.S. as usual, sorry for my very very bad english.... a lot of mistakes here in Italy!
Good job, nice chunky guitar tone, and well-executed. That's incredible that it only took an hour and a half; pretty damn good mix, especially for that amount of time. Still using PodXT for the guitars?
Disconnekt said:
Good job, nice chunky guitar tone, and well-executed. That's incredible that it only took an hour and a half; pretty damn good mix, especially for that amount of time. Still using PodXT for the guitars?

Yup, unfortunately I'm still using the XT. It's actually the same tone file that I sent you a couple weeks ago. I wish I had the money for some real equipment.

Believe it or not, I didn't really eq this song at all. I just set my volumes and pans, added some C4 comp and called the bitch done. I'm such a slacker. :rock: