Here's a song from my band...comments on the mix?


Nov 19, 2005
I've posted drum samples and guitar ones, now how about the mix: Hatred GD 2v3.mp3
(or click on 'mix' here: )

As you may have figured out the kick drum and the snare are mixed with Andy's samples. The guitar is a cheap Stagg, the amp is the Behringer Gm110 with an AMT SansAmp instead of the original preamp, mic is Sm57. No bass yet.

The band is called Distorment, here's the site:

Hope you like it :)

Here's a new version with the bass guitar included in the mix: Hatred GDB-05v2.mp3
(right click + save target as)
The drums are pretty good (toms are a bit weak), guitars are really flat and lifeless though. And the guitars could stand to be higher in the mix as well.
wow, i love the guitaqr sound, it reminds me of the album Sluaghter Of The Soul by At The Gates, and Indecent & Obscene By Dismember
ApolloSpeed You got me there :p ..guess I shouldn't have written mix, since we haven't recorded the bass and the vocals. Any advice on the guitar? I am not really satisfied with it myself.

Genius Gone Insane, gumplunger, I guess you're right about the guitar, I'll bring it up a little. I agree about the toms as well.

Dreathus, I'm glad at least someone likes the guitar, hehe.

I'm working on it in the moment, I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for your comments.
this recording is what i wana achive!! GREAT WORK BRO!!!!

hey i would love to talk details on this if you dont mind!!!

let me know if you have yahoo or aim....

thanks josh
Hooray, someone replied at last :p
broken81, I'm sure glad you like it...and it's even your first post on the forum :) Unfortunately, I don't use neither of those, but I'll try to answer your questions here.

Lefthander, thanks seems everyone likes the drums (though a friend of mine that works in a studio gave it a brief listen and said there's something weird going on in the high frequencies and the compression isn't exactly what it should be, but overall it's good). And the guitar...I've sure had trouble making it decent at least, the "plastic" sound is, i guess, what happens when you EQ the hell out of a small-sized solid state amp's sound.

Here's a newer version, anyway: Hatred GDB-06v2.mp3

Thanks again for the replies :rock:
hey what kind of mic's on drums and what preamps maybe some info on how you recorded drums and if you use drumagog how you put this into play im new with drumagog! but guitars are sick too what exactly have you done to guitar?? What pre what kind of eqing all the goods man please!!!!

keep up the good work this stuff blew my mind its really really the tone's im looking for!!!!!
KeithRT99 said:
does the drummer have any crashes?

Not really :grin: . He used hihats instead...uhm ...cracked hihats.

broken81, I can't tell you much about the drums since they were the only thing we've recorded in a studio (a rehearsal room actually), all I remember is that the snare mic was a SM57, sorry. I used drumagog to mix the original snare with Andy's sample - 50:50, and to replace the kick with Andy's kick sample, it's pretty simple to use actually, try searching the forum I think there was a topic about drumagog.

About the guitar: the preamp is a custom model designed by a friend of mine but to be honest, I don't think that matters a lot on our level of recording. The dry recordings of the guitar didn't sound quite well, so I had to use lots of EQ. One way to do that is to choose guitars that you like and use them as a reference point. Use your ears, but never trust them too much, double-check using a spectrum analyzer (Izotope Ozone for example).
Btw, one of the guitar recordings that I used as a reference was Subcyde's new demo (there's a topic about it on the same page). The guy that recorded and mixed it sure knows what he's doing :rock: .
ok i have izotope ozone how do i use this for what your talking about?? please help me need alittle more info on how to go about eqin and using that izotope for what you said
thanks josh:hotjump:
what u talkin about?? i have ozone plugin but im lost on how u used it. Also did you use drumagog on drums if so was it andy's samples??
broken81 said:
what u talkin about?? i have ozone plugin but im lost on how u used it. Also did you use drumagog on drums if so was it andy's samples??

Find the manual for Ozone, I can't explain it better :). About drumagog: i've answered that in my first post - yes, the kick is Andy's sample and the snare is 50% Andy's 50% original snare