Here's what I was sent and here's what I did...


Sep 16, 2009
Tallahasse, FL. USA
Hey everyone. If you've got a few minutes to spare I'm looking for some opinions and feedback on this.

A fellow forum member posted an invitation for a collaboration project. Well I jumped at the chance to drum on the project. The original submitted material was nothing but midi sounds and a cookie cutter programmed drum track. A little difficult to gauge the aggressiveness of the song but I just went for it.

Here's the original track with programmed drums I got:

So long story short I threw down my best. Did some showing off etc just to show I had some chops. Did most everything I could think of to keep it interesting. Of course it wasn't perfect and I clearly rushed it in some spots. Probably overplayed and I did bone up the ending which I cut off. Somehow the midi tempo map got screwed up on me so my snare hits ended up on the 2 and 4. An easy fix honestly.

Enough excuses so here's my take on it: with Drums.mp3

I was cautiously optimistic and proud of what I did on the track. However, the songwriter was unimpressed to say the least! Indicated that my drumming was 'vomit inducing' and basically out of context to the song and unusable.

I submit to you fellow Sneapsters: Is it really that bad? I'm really in need of honest opinions because what I thought was pretty darn good was shredded by someone and I'm truly at a loss here? Am I wasting my time with metal drumming? Trying not be all butt-hurt over this but I was shocked by the reaction to what I did.

Now I'm not trying to start a pissing match war by posting this stuff up. I really want to know if I'm that far off base.

Sorry for the "Mega-Post" and I'm appreciate your time in listening to this stuff.
If you like metal drumming, you shouldn't stop. There are some glidges in there, yes. But your performance isn't 'vomit inducing'. Some things could better tho, get a metronome, and start working on the tightness of some fills.

60% of most members here probally never worked with a drummer before, and never gotten any further then ezdrummer of dfh. They don't know what a real drummer "feel" is.

Anyhow, don't give up, practice, and do your thing!
Honestly, you're way off the click in most places and none of it is very tight. The ideas are there, but the performance is pretty sloppy. I'd need to edit the hell out of it to use it.
Some parts are kind'a awkward, mainly due beeing off-time, but never would I say it's vomit inducing. Just needs tighter takes and quantizing
It's really interesting to hear real drums and programmed guitar, for once! :lol:

The drumming is too flashy/showy IMO. Focus more on playing a really solid groove/beat before adding the ornamentation.
Honestly, you're way off the click in most places and none of it is very tight. The ideas are there, but the performance is pretty sloppy. I'd need to edit the hell out of it to use it.


Try to keep it more simple :)

The songwriter should learn what is tact though. Telling someone his work is vomit-inducing is unacceptable, especially if you,re doing this for him for free.
Now I'm not trying to start a pissing match war by posting this stuff up. I really want to know if I'm that far off base.

You so blatantly are.

Dude get over yourself... this is so childish.

Im in no mood for a silly battle of opinions and I think its everyones right to know that I went through this with you on MSN MESSENGER in private anyway but those drums arent even in time. Yup the tone is great but thats as I'd expect from triggered SS drums :).
Since you accused me of essentially providing 6 minutes of boring shit and you obviously want a bitch-war about it, in a few words heres my take:

A metal drummer is the backbone, the foundation, the fucking bones of the whole god damned band. I know what its like to play these songs and you need rock solid drumming on them. Those drums are not solid or tight. They're out of time, out of sync and theres 100001 fills during verses and solo sections that are pretty motherfucking well clearly marked on the guitar pro tab.
The tempo map got screwed up? Well that midi file sounds pretty fucking in time to me. And if you knew it was out of time then why even send it to me?
For the record I tried to play along to this and it was a motherfucking mission. I had to put the metronome at +10 db extra over the drums just to keep time. And, I even asked you if you could play it straighter and you refused because as you said, its 6 minutes of boring shit so stop making out I'm being an assohle here and get over yourself. Oh and by the way, the thread is in the sneap forum and can be checked for what was said. The MSN conversation we had isnt. As I see it we're about even... I said: "we are still after a drummer :puke:". You said I provided "6 minutes of boring shit". How the fuck is that midi file 6 minutes of boring shit?
The drumming is too flashy/showy IMO. Focus more on playing a really solid groove/beat before adding the ornamentation.

+1 !!! Most of the "flashy" stuff in there sounds really sloppy and don't make any sense. Honestly...The amount of editing required to make your drums sound solid is kinda vomit inducing. Learn the basics first!
Hey everyone. If you've got a few minutes to spare I'm looking for some opinions and feedback on this.

A fellow forum member posted an invitation for a collaboration project. Well I jumped at the chance to drum on the project. The original submitted material was nothing but midi sounds and a cookie cutter programmed drum track. A little difficult to gauge the aggressiveness of the song but I just went for it.

Here's the original track with programmed drums I got:

So long story short I threw down my best. Did some showing off etc just to show I had some chops. Did most everything I could think of to keep it interesting. Of course it wasn't perfect and I clearly rushed it in some spots. Probably overplayed and I did bone up the ending which I cut off. Somehow the midi tempo map got screwed up on me so my snare hits ended up on the 2 and 4. An easy fix honestly.

Enough excuses so here's my take on it: with Drums.mp3

I was cautiously optimistic and proud of what I did on the track. However, the songwriter was unimpressed to say the least! Indicated that my drumming was 'vomit inducing' and basically out of context to the song and unusable.

I submit to you fellow Sneapsters: Is it really that bad? I'm really in need of honest opinions because what I thought was pretty darn good was shredded by someone and I'm truly at a loss here? Am I wasting my time with metal drumming? Trying not be all butt-hurt over this but I was shocked by the reaction to what I did.

Now I'm not trying to start a pissing match war by posting this stuff up. I really want to know if I'm that far off base.

Sorry for the "Mega-Post" and I'm appreciate your time in listening to this stuff.

its not vomit inducing, the main problem I can hear is that the timing and playing needs to be tightened up. The drum track was incredibly technical, the midi one I mean, so you did have a hard job to have to play that :)

Don't stop drumming though, just practise more :D
+1 !!! Most of the "flashy" stuff in there sounds really sloppy and don't make any sense. Honestly...The amount of editing required to make your drums sound solid is kinda vomit inducing. Learn the basics first!

I might not be a drummer, but I know what fucking tight performances are. Period.
And for the record, I'd have probably been a bit warmer and fuzzier if you weren't trying to bitch at me about my track being too boring. What even gives you the right to post my files anyway?
Guys thanks for the input. I do know that this needs a far bit of editing. None of it was quantized. Truly live. Yes the drums are samples but it's me playing an electronic kit.

So I guess it's safe for me to think that for unedited, non-quantized live takes it's really not that bad? Trying to nuture my bruised ego here! I know some stuff is pretty over the top. I was showing off and it's come back to bite me on the ass!

Shred. Dude. I'm not trying to start a gay ass internet war with you. I haven't got time for it. Looking for opinions on what I can do to do things better. Is that so hard to understand? Christ man! Oh yeah, I'm a drummer. I don't have Guitar Pro and don't even know what it is. All I got were the .mids and a tempo map which I imported into Reaper. I had no clue (and still don't) what was a verse, chorus or solo. It was all instumental to me.
Trying to nuture my bruised ego here
Dude like I said, get over yourself.

I tried to be diplomatic about it over msn but that obviously didnt work... I mean if you wanted opinions on what to do better then why not just ask me huh? I said that it didnt sound in time from the get go. If you're really so up for learning then maybe you should open your mind a bit more rather than giving me that silly "Mike Portnoy/Dream Theatre of death metal" stuff you fed me over MSN.
Guys thanks for the input. I do know that this needs a far bit of editing. None of it was quantized. Truly live. Yes the drums are samples but it's me playing an electronic kit.

So I guess it's safe for me to think that for unedited, non-quantized live takes it's really not that bad? Trying to nuture my bruised ego here! I know some stuff is pretty over the top. I was showing off and it's come back to bite me on the ass!

Shred. Dude. I'm not trying to start a gay ass internet war with you. I haven't got time for it. Looking for opinions on what I can do to do things better. Is that so hard to understand? Christ man! Oh yeah, I'm a drummer. I don't have Guitar Pro and don't even know what it is. All I got were the .mids and a tempo map which I imported into Reaper. I had no clue (and still don't) what was a verse, chorus or solo. It was all instumental to me.

Quantizing isn't the answer... Playing tighter is. Play simple and tight with great feeling and you will be a MUCH better drummer than "showing off" flashy fills that aren't in time...
So I guess it's safe for me to think that for unedited, non-quantized live takes it's really not that bad? Trying to nuture my bruised ego here! I know some stuff is pretty over the top. I was showing off and it's come back to bite me on the ass!

It's pretty sloppy mate, live take or no. It's worth consolidating the basics first before attempting to skip a few levels and add embelishment everywhere.

I just wish someone here would take the high road and simply part ways amicably. There is no need for a contest to see who can get more indignant.
You played it with an electronic drumkit? That should make it easier to edit and quantize everything then.

Yep. And it would be easy to fix/change. As stated I didn't really do much editing. I did clean up some flammy double bass parts etc. I admit. However, I didn't quatize anything at all. Never claimed I was a great drummer but I'd like to be! I know I out played and over played myself in spots but in this genre we see it everyday and in everyway extremely and microscopically edited performances. From every instrument! The screen shots I've seen of edited to death guitar parts is revealing. Figured nothing wrong with doing it to the drums as well.

Again thanks everyone for your feedback.
Dude like I said, get over yourself.

I tried to be diplomatic about it over msn but that obviously didnt work... I mean if you wanted opinions on what to do better then why not just ask me huh? I said that it didnt sound in time from the get go. If you're really so up for learning then maybe you should open your mind a bit more rather than giving me that silly "Mike Portnoy/Dream Theatre of death metal" stuff you fed me over MSN.

Now you are just trying to be offensive. Done with you son. Carry on.

It's pretty sloppy mate, live take or no. It's worth consolidating the basics first before attempting to skip a few levels and add embelishment everywhere.

I just wish someone here would take the high road and simply part ways amicably. There is no need for a contest to see who can get more indignant.

Ermz, I've got great respect for the stuff you do and I appreciate your criticisms. Thanks for reviewing this stuff.

I swear I'm trying to make a clean break from this and generate open and honest feedback! How does one learn if not through trial and error?
Now you are just trying to be offensive. Done with you son. Carry on.

Ermz, I've got great respect for the stuff you do and I appreciate your criticisms. Thanks for reviewing this stuff.

I swear I'm trying to make a clean break from this and generate open and honest feedback! How does one learn if not through trial and error?
