..here's your fucking X-mas card


Jul 29, 2003
Two places at once
Visit site
T'was the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Everybody felt shitty
Even the mouse, :ill:

Possum at the whorehouse
Spike smoking grass :Smokin:
Profanity had just settle down
for a nice piece of ass, :OMG:

When out on the lawn
Heard such a clatter :erk:
I got up to see what was the matter, :confused:

When out on the lawn
Saw a Big Dick :blush:
Knew in a moment
It must be :Saint: Saint Nick. :rock:

He came down the chimney
Like a bat out of hell :eek:
I knew in a moment
The fucker had fell :rolleyes:

He filled Xenophobe and Rusty's stockings
With crumpets and beer :Smug:
A rubber dick for MR BEAST :Spin:
my friend the queer
As well a bottle of cheer
For the rest of us here :kickass:

He rose up the chimney
With a thunderous fart :err:
The son of a Bitch
Blew the chimney apart! :mad:

He swore and he cursed
As he rode out of sight
"Piss on you all!
And have a hell of a night"
xenophobe said:

That's just scary! :heh:


And why is it scary? :confused:

Maybe because its in regards to what has been posted in past threads or in relation to some.
Maybe because its a realistic situation of Saint Nick.

Other than that,can you help me fix the smilies?
And do you think Mark is upset because I didn't mention him in it? :erk:
Ummmmm... :Smug: Just got another thought for a poem that includes Mark :heh: