
Eh maybe that's what he did and they presented it differently? Either way, that chink needs to die.
look here this is me being you

and that other dude he flew wtf kinda shit is that only birds fly.. and planes.
and did you see the one who was a nuclear bomb wtf is this, x-men??? only in soviet russia the nuclear bomb is you

/Hell Mike

So, as guessed, it was Takezo who healed himself.

Claire needs to get killed the fuck off. I don't like her story at all. It is hurting the series A LOT.
look here this is me being you

and that other dude he flew wtf kinda shit is that only birds fly.. and planes.
and did you see the one who was a nuclear bomb wtf is this, x-men??? only in soviet russia the nuclear bomb is you

/Hell Mike

You forgot the racial slurs.
Claire needs to get killed the fuck off. I don't like her story at all. It is hurting the series A LOT.

Sylar needs to lay waste to two thirds of the cast. Kill that posh socialite in training Claire, the Incredible Hulk on a period Ali Larter, the two border hoppers, and the pudgy mind reader to boot. Oh and how could I forgot Claire's obnoxious boyfriend? Holy goodness gracious this guy is excruciatingly difficult to bear.

The Hindu blood bank needs to make a heel turn and legitimately join the company's cause.

Peter Petrelli and the Irish embassy is the show's saving grace.
Kristen Bell FTW!
