
I tivo'd it (got the HD shit setup these days, Tivo works great for it) since I was kinda busy tonight. Will watch it before I sleep though, hoping for good things.
The finales make it not worth the time invested.

I have hope for this finale... the last one was supposed to be the midseason portion. And I know they have the whole "Villians" saga coming up after this season. So I'm guessing a lot of Sylar doing a lot of convincing and a lot of KILLING.

At least I hope so. :lol:
The flash forward apocalyptic episode they did early on in Season 2 is the direction in which I wanted to see the show go. Unfortunately what we received was another happy-go Disney ending for the second year in a row. Are the writers from 24 working double duty?!?! :erk:

Anyway, this episode sucked and I refuse to watch anymore of the series. I thought 5 seasons was when you were allowed to start remixing old storylines and making everything overly predictable.

Fuck this.
One of my ex-students in Japan loves this show. I used to enjoy it and we'd email back and forth about it and various other crap. I stopped emailing her about a month ago when I became a little busy but figured I would after start again after this season started up. I changed my mind.
I couldnt get past the first few minutes of the first episode.

Same here, I was watching it just now on Hulu and I couldn't get past the 14 minute mark.

I winced five different times during this span of time.

1. Older Petrelli is declared dead only to "respawn" 1 minute later.

2. Ev0l Clare, who looks like a 14 yr old despite the pounds of make up says, "I Love You", cocks, fires, <timefreeze> Fucking idiocy. (Can somebody fucking die already?!?!)

3. Jaykeeley discovers that hot tits' superpowers are triggered by adrenaline, seconds after he declares that he has reached an impasse with his research.

4. The whole light hearted bit between the Japanese Samurai and his Geisha boy.

5. The Changeling remake between Clare and Sylar.

Holy fuck, how did a show with so much promise become this unwatchable?!?! :erk:
As the season gets worse and worse NBC is starting to axe some of the producers:

Big shakeup on the staff of NBC's "Heroes" came down on Sunday with the axing of co-exec producers Jesse Alexander and Jeph Loeb.

Both scribe-producers had been with the show since its first season and were known to have led the day-to-day production operation under the direction of creator/exec producer Tim Kring.

"Heroes," produced by Universal Media Studios, has struggled in the ratings its third season. It's understood that Alexander and Loeb were let go because of Peacock execs' frustration with the creative direction of the show. The show is also said to have been grappling with hefty budget overruns this season, that are going well beyond its already sizable $4 million per-seg pricetag.

Reps for NBC and UMS declined comment.

Source: Variety.com

I'm guessing the show as a whole gets canned after this season...
The writers behind this show need to buy some new editions of X-Men, they have plum run out of ideas. I haven't watched a minute past the first 15 of this year's season opener, but have been keeping up periodically via the Heroes Wikipage. Let me get this straight, Papa Petrelli has returned from the dead, Sylar is a good guy, Peter is ev0l, everyone with supernatural abilities is somehow related to one another, and the Punjabi scientist has new developed powers, one of which is the ability to pyonggang hot Brazilians?!? What the Fuck?!?! I need to become a Hollywood writer, all you do is pull shit out of your ass, fling it at the wall, and hope that it sticks.

Fucking eh.
the ability to pyonggang hot Brazilians?!? What the Fuck?!?!
Would probably be quite high on the list of desired super powers for a lot of Heroes' audience. It's also fascinating how said brazilian chick learned good english and came across a hidden wardrobe of designer clothes (and somewhere to live and work and all of that??) in the week between two episodes.
When all else fails... Reboot! :lol:

Sci-fi TV show Heroes is returning to its roots in a bid to turn round falling audience figures in the US.

Creator Tim Kring said series four will start "pretty much from scratch", after fans criticised a lack of direction in the second and third series.

US television network NBC says it is committed to Heroes, which starts its fourth season in the US on 2 February.

But primetime president Angela Bromstad admitted it may have taken on too much "in terms of characters and stories".

The first series of Heroes, about a group of individuals who have extraordinary abilities, such as regeneration, the power to fly and telepathy, launched in 2006.

It won a Golden Globe and a People's Choice Award for favourite new TV drama. It was also nominated for eight Emmys, although it failed to win any.

Series criticisms

But series two of the show split fans, with many complaining about a lack of pace and poor storylines. In the US, viewing figures dipped from a peak of nearly 14 million to just over 11 million.

Series three slumped even further, with audiences of 8.5 million - leading media magazine Entertainment Weekly to run a story headlined: "Heroes: Five Ways To Fix It".

In the UK, Heroes is shown on BBC Two, where it has also seen a dip in viewing figures. The opening show of series three drew 4.3 million people, while the final episode which was watched by just 2.24 million.

Kring told US magazine TV Guide about the fourth series: "There is almost nothing that the audience needs to know from the previous volume in order to follow the storyline."

Source: BBC.co.uk

They really should just cancel the fucking thing.
This just goes to show you what a bullshit medium TV is.
"Hey, people stopped watching our show. Should we continue with our vision of the story?"
"No, let's make it so more people will watch. Can we show boobies, yet?"
"Well, you're right. Let's consult our sponsors on this one."