GregadetH said:Nah, come to Duluth and just call it Atlanta like everyone else does!
Al Bundy said:come to the gwiennet center
i went to gigantour there. and a year earlier i saw metallica there.
TacoBellJunkie said:Either of you go to that metalfest at the masq like 2 years ago?
Hawng said:Are we talking about Richmond VA?
TacoBellJunkie said:Either of you go to that metalfest at the masq like 2 years ago?
Al Bundy said:no, unfotently.
TacoBellJunkie said:It wasnt that great. Anthrax only had an hour set. Rest of the bands weren't great. One of Frankie's last shows before leaving. The show was maybe 3 days after the Music of Mass Distruction DVD was shot, and was very similar.