Hey Brat:


My wonderful day started at 4:30 this morning when my son woke up. He'll only sleep when he's being held when he gets like that, so I dozed on the couch on and off until 9. He finally went down for a nap at 11:30, and by some miracle didn't get up for four hours, so I caught up on my sleep then. It's 4:15 now and I just got out of the shower. I also have an assload of dishes to do, but I'm thinking it can wait a few (more).
I had a horrible day!!! It sucked!!!

My husband didn't wander home until 8:30 last night, my mother-in-law lied about how she so badly wanted to spend time with me (yet couldn't be bothered), I got one phone call from my sister-in-law at 7:30 at night, same bullshit story as her mother, and no one in my family bothered with me at all. And I felt like shit all day long, and my son was such a shit I put him to bed early so I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore!! And just think, next year I'll have TWO of them to deal with... :zombie:
Sorry to hear that, bRaT.
That sucks. Where was the hubby?
...or should I not ask...?
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS

He was at work til five, then went to a friend's for a "little bit" that turned into 3 1/2 hours. Oh well.

Nice. You should stand on his nuts for a "little bit".
No way!! When he starts crying, I'D be the one that has to listen to it. Screw that. You guys whine enough about your nuts without me adding to it.

He just has some problems with the concept of time. As in, he looks at the clock and it's three hours later. But then he's extra nice to me for the rest of the night, and it gives me a chance to run and hide for a while. And then he's usually NOT Al Bundy for the night...
Originally posted by nafnikufesin

Shit, this is like one-stop internet...Anthrax, Star Wars, ball-crushing fetishes, all in one place! :lol:

I don't dare check out any of the Star Wars posts until after I've seen the movie.

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