hey Brooks,

28.44 oz of free slurpee later.........

me =
I think someone should put it in a thread with a big warning like "WARNING: PICTURE OF BURNING PERSON, DONT CLICK IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED!"

You know, I was gonna say that, but I thought the joke is kinda overly used..

BTW- I don't mind gorey things or hard pictures, it's just: I don't want to look at them EVERYTIME a person posts something... ya'see'what'I'm'sayin' ?
I had an awesome one out of a truck on campus.

Total fucking food coma. I have things to do this afternoon, but all i want to do is lie hear and nap. Thats the sign of a good burger.
I went to a 5th 7/11, but I couldn't find a parking spot, it was one of those tiny ones that focuses more on being a gas station than a convenience store, so I gave up there. But the day is still young!

Dr Pepper - boring! barely tasted like anything, but it wasn't disgusting like most Dr Pepper flavored things. Probably because it was lacking in flavor so it couldn't get that far
Hulk Green - crazy! had a wacky citrus-y tang to it. I liked this one!
Monster energy drink purple or black or motoroil flavor - Maybe it was grape?!
Latte - Strange but delicious
I am a huge DrPepper fan--especially with a fine offering from the In-n-out counter. That might be choice since there isn't a BLUE OPTION!!!!!

I will be staying far far away from Putrid Hulk Green and Monster Bullshit.

Latte sounds disgusting, yet I am strangely intrigued! I must know more...

And it's shower time so I can get the hell out the door.
There was also a Full throttle energy drink flavor but I said "boooo energy drinks", before I realized I was filling my cup from the Monster slurpee dispenser. And pina colada, and wild cherry, and uh I forget what else. I tried to get a Pina Colada at one place but it was coming out liquid. Screw that! Actually I had that trouble at the 2nd place when I tried to get Latte, so that's why I went for the hulk green there. IT WAS AN ADVENTURE
There was also a Full throttle energy drink flavor but I said "boooo energy drinks", before I realized I was filling my cup from the Monster slurpee dispenser. And pina colada, and wild cherry, and uh I forget what else. I tried to get a Pina Colada at one place but it was coming out liquid. Screw that! Actually I had that trouble at the 2nd place when I tried to get Latte, so that's why I went for the hulk green there. IT WAS AN ADVENTURE

...they.. THEY have a Full Throttle energy Slurpeeeee??!?!

Thats it, I'm driving to SF afterwork. Actually fuck work, I'll just take off now.