hey check this out...

Belgar said:
uhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmm uhhmmmm yeah .......

hehehe called it lol. but hell I liked it should have been video though just scrolling thing like that sucked.
Hey if u guys like vid game and u wanna see something really funny go watch episodes of this it's hillarious

Patric, are you sure you meant kitties and not that other word for cat? I mean, I know your native tongue isn't English and all. I seem to remember something about a plastic version thereof being discussed with my other brother?
Tyra said:
Patric, are you sure you meant kitties and not that other word for cat? I mean, I know your native tongue isn't English and all. I seem to remember something about a plastic version thereof being discussed with my other brother?

I deny everything. But hey, the offer still stands, 84 kr. for a nice plastic version that I can fix here in DK. No extra charges :)