Hey Chris


Guitar Freak
Feb 10, 2006
Maine, USA
Hey Chris,

Nice to see you taking such an active role here and talking with everyone. Some musicians don't take the time to do things such as this so I think it's pretty cool that you are doing so.

I think the sample of your playing that impressed me the most (not to say your other stuff isn't great, because you are definitely a gifted player) was when I saw you do the video of the Mozart thing with tapping on chopsfromhell, just because it's so unique and interesting, that was just really cool, I have been trying to integrate that type of thing into my playing (ie. playing a rhythm with the left hand and a melody with the right hand simulataneously) for a while now, but it's extremely difficult to get my brain and hands to want to do completely separate things like that. Do you have any exercises or advice about how to sort of get your mind/hands into that mindset in which separation is possible?

I have taken classical as well as jazz training extensively at the University level, but never really covered this sort of ground. I know that Stanley Jordan also does this type of thing, but more in a jazz context than classical. Anyway, I would be honored if you could check out a few of my pieces on my myspace account (http://www.myspace.com/jsebek), it's always nice when guitar players who I consider talented or really good hear my stuff, even if they hate it :P The drum programming isn't great (kinda bad actually), but they are early demo tracks from what will eventually be my guitar solo disc, I will recruit a human drummer for the final project! Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this and everything.

JSebek13 said:
Hey Chris,

Nice to see you taking such an active role here and talking with everyone. Some musicians don't take the time to do things such as this so I think it's pretty cool that you are doing so.

I think the sample of your playing that impressed me the most (not to say your other stuff isn't great, because you are definitely a gifted player) was when I saw you do the video of the Mozart thing with tapping on chopsfromhell, just because it's so unique and interesting, that was just really cool, I have been trying to integrate that type of thing into my playing (ie. playing a rhythm with the left hand and a melody with the right hand simulataneously) for a while now, but it's extremely difficult to get my brain and hands to want to do completely separate things like that. Do you have any exercises or advice about how to sort of get your mind/hands into that mindset in which separation is possible?

I have taken classical as well as jazz training extensively at the University level, but never really covered this sort of ground. I know that Stanley Jordan also does this type of thing, but more in a jazz context than classical. Anyway, I would be honored if you could check out a few of my pieces on my myspace account (http://www.myspace.com/jsebek), it's always nice when guitar players who I consider talented or really good hear my stuff, even if they hate it :P The drum programming isn't great (kinda bad actually), but they are early demo tracks from what will eventually be my guitar solo disc, I will recruit a human drummer for the final project! Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this and everything.

Hey Jason,
Thanks for the kind words. The link to your music wouldn't come up so I could listen to it. As far as exercises that you could do for right and left hand are playing a specific sequence were you tap a consonant note on every down of the sequence. Ex: an ascending sequence of 4ths starting on A would ascend like this: ABCD, BCDE, CDEF, DEFG, and so on. On the first note of each four, tap a consonant note above (say a 3rd) so the right hand would play c, d, e, f, as quarter notes. Then reverse the 2 hands doing the sequence on the R.H and the quarter on the left. It can only get more complex from there.

Take care, Chris.
Hey Chris,
Thanks for replying, I'll definitely try that out and see if I can get used to it and incorporate some ideas into my playing, sounds like it will be challenging! The reason the link didn't work is because I put parentheses around it, sorry about that. The correct link should be:

