hey dickhead, Black Winter Day



Good morning...

You think your fucking crash hot don't you....your little piece was not creative at all.
Originally posted by rebirth
Good morning...

You think your fucking crash hot don't you....your little piece was not creative at all.

Good morning, Mr. Fucknuts! I hope you have a great day. Wait a second. . . aren't you supposed to be in Australia? It wouldn't be morning there now, would it? Hmmmm. . . interesting. Well, you probably don't know day from night anyway, so I guess it all works out.

I must say that I am quite disturbed by your post. After all, you referred to me as "hot" and a "little piece". I reject your homosexuality, unlike our friend RIP5O.
Listen i posted that header at 2am, now its 6am, so you don't know anything do you...your cred is slowly going to die onthis board...

calling me fucknuts, your the mecenary poofter, can't you see that by calling me that....only rip50...seems safe with you.

quite disturbed are you, maybe you should go to school, instead of loitering onthese boards...FOOL...

piss off!

HAHAHA!!! i WAS at school when i replied SENOR Fucknuts!

so you are posting at 2 am, eh? you are either a fucking liar or you just have NO LIFE at all. after all, who the hell posts at 2 and 6 in the fucking morning??? do you have a NIGHT JOB or something? do they have internet at the gayborhood?

and the talking in code thing is old and played out. we all make fun of it. it is not original or funny. it just shows your lack of intelligence.

take your own advice. go back to school. maybe you will lear the order of subjects and predicates in your sentences.

..........and so many ppl live in Australia, some other live in the US and some are split personalities....
..........and this sounds like a party........................